eHealth Suisse

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Test session tools Version Status Description
Gazelle Test Management Gazelle Test Management Test Bed is the application used to manage the connectathon process, from registration through pre-Connectathon & Connectathon testing, until the generation of the test report.
Proxy Man in the middle: captures the messages exchanged between two systems and forwards them to the validation service front-end.
EVS Client The EVSClient is a front-end which allows the user to use the external validation services from a user-friendly interface instead of the raw web service offered by the Gazelle tools.
Gazelle Webservice Tester Workflow simulator (to test ADR, PPQ, XCA, XDS servers).
XDS Testing 7.6.0 Access to XDSTools.
XDStarClient Emulates the initiating actors of the XD* profiles (XDS.b, XCPD, XDR, XCA, DSUB ...).
Patient Manager Manage patient demographics and emulate the actors defined in the PDQV3, PIXV3 and XCPD profiles.
HPDSimulator Simulator and Model-based validator for the Healthcare Provider Directory profile.
SVS Simulator Emulates the actors defined by the SVS profile. It is also used as a value set repository for the simulators.
Authentication Simulator 0.1.2 Access to Authentication Simulator
Gazelle Security Suite Fusion of the PKI and TLS simulator, Gazelle Security Suite (GSS) gathers a set of tools dedicated to security aspect testing.
NIST FHIR Toolkit 4.2.0 NIST FHIR Toolkit embedding MHD simulators
DCM4CHEE 5.29.1 DICOM medical archive
Web Services Version Status Description
EPR Assertion Provider Simulator 1.3.0 Access to EPR Assertion Provider Simulator (secured end-point:
EPR ADR Simulator 1.3.7 Access to EPR ADR Simulator (secured end-point:
EPR PPQ Simulator 1.3.7 Access to EPR PPQ Simulator (secured end-point:
CH:IUA Validator Service 1.0.1 CH:IUA Validator Service (available in validation services in EVSClient)
Metadata Update Responders 1.3.1 Access to EPR RMU Update Responder simulator
Metadata Update Responders ITI-57 Update Document Set simulator 1.3.1 Access to EPR RMU Update Document Set simulator
Metadata Update Responders ITI-18 Registry Stored Query simulator 1.3.1 Access to EPR RMU Registry Stored Query simulator
ATC Patient Audit Record Repository 2.0.1 Access to EPR ATC Simulator (secured end-point:
XDS XCA Simulator 1.0.3 Access to EPR XDS Registry secured end-point:
XCA Responding Gateway 1.0.3 Access to EPR XCA Responding Gateway (secured end-point:
Other tools Version Status Description
Assertion Manager Gui Assertion Manager tool is used to stored the requirements on which the tests and tools are based. It also allows the linkage between tests, steps, validators and requirements.
Demographic Data Server DDS generates fake (but consistent) patient demographics for a large set of countries, user and webservice interface available.
Gazelle Fhir Validator R4 Validation of Fhir R4 instances.
Gazelle HL7 Validator Offers web services to validate HL7v2.x and HL7v3 messages exchanged in the context of IHE.
Schematron Validator Offers web services to validate XML messages exchanged in the context of IHE using schematrons.
UPI EPR-SPID Manager 1.0.1 Acccess to UPI EPR-SPID Manager.
UPI EPR-SPID Responder 1.0.1 Acccess to UPI EPR-SPID Responder.


Platform Support Status Description
Helpdesk Access to JIRA Helpdesk ticketing software.
Documentation Status Description
CH EPR Value Sets Value sets to use in the EPR domain.
Tools User Guides Access to tools documentation.
Projectathon Mailing List This is the mailing list for the projectathon participants. Please subscribe to get access to the list and access the historic of shared information
Sequence Diagrams Access to Sequence Diagrams.
Test Data Test data to be loaded by SUT.
References Access to Specifications Document, Technical Framework ...
Central Services Data Data, WSDL, XSD to communicate with Central Services.