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87 Assertions in Scope

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CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-001The Request Care Services Updates [ITI-91] transaction is not used in this national extension.
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-002The Swiss national extension does not implement the Location Distance Option.
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-003Care Services Selective Consumer shall be grouped with IUA Authorization Client.
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-004Care Services Selective Supplier shall be grouped with IUA Resource Server.
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-005"The Care Services Selective Supplier shall support the following search parameters for all resources: _id_lastUpdated_format_sort _count"
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-006"The Care Services Selective Supplier shall support the following search parameters on the Organization resource:activeidentifiernamepartoftype_include=Organization.endpoint_revInclude=Location:organization_revInclude=OrganizationAffiliation:participating-organization_revInclude=OrganizationAffiliation:primary-organization"
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-007"The Care Services Selective Supplier shall support the following search parameters on the Practitioner resource:activeidentifiernamegivenfamily"
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-008"The Care Services Selective Supplier shall support the following search parameters on the PractitionerRole resource:activelocationorganizationpractitionerroleservicespeciality_include=PractitionerRole:practitioner"
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-009The Care Services Selective Supplier may not support other resources (Endpoint, HealthcareService, Location and OrganizationAffiliation), as they are not used in this national extension.
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-010Any search query on other resources (Endpoint, HealthcareService, Location and OrganizationAffiliation) may not yield any result.
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-011TLS SHALL be used.
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-012This national extension enforces authentication and authorization of access to the Care Services Selective Supplier using the IUA profile with basic access token.
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-013Consequently, the Find Matching Care Services [ITI-90] request must authorize using the Incorporate Access Token [ITI-72] transaction of the IUA profile.
CH:mCSDCH:mCSD-014The actors involved shall record audit events according to the Audit Event for Find Matching Care Services for Read by the Care Services Selective Supplier and Consumer or the Audit Event for Find Matching Care Services for Query by the Care Services Selective Supplier and Consumer.
ITI90ITI90-001A Care Services Selective Consumer initiates a search request using HTTP GET or POST as defined at on the mCSD Resources.
ITI90ITI90-002The Care Services Selective Supplier shall support both GET and POST based searches.
ITI90ITI90-003A Care Services Selective Consumer may query any combination or subset of the parameters.
ITI90ITI90-004A Care Services Selective Supplier shall support responding to a request for both the JSON and the XML messaging formats as defined in FHIR.
ITI90ITI90-005A Care Services Selective Consumer shall accept either the JSON or the XML messaging formats as defined in FHIR.
ITI90ITI90-006A Care Services Selective Supplier shall implement the parameters described below for the mCSD resources it supports.