Search Criteria : 20 assertions found for this search Review filtered assertions


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ITI48ITI48-006to be reviewedTestable 0 3 The SOAP binding is covered, the HTTP binding isn'tThe Value Set Repository shall support both the SOAP and HTTP bindings for this transaction.273Section 11:18:49 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-007to be reviewedTestable 0 2 If the Value Set Consumer sends the request using the SOAP binding, the Value Set Repository shall respond using the SOAP binding. 273Section 11:18:49 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-008to be reviewedTestable 0 2 If the Value Set Consumer sends the request using the HTTP binding, the Value Set Repository shall respond using the HTTP binding273Section 11:18:49 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-021to be reviewedTestable 0 3 The following types shall be imported (xsd:import) in the /definitions/types section: namespace="urn:ihe:iti:svs:2008", schema="SVS.xsd".275Section 11:18:50 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-022to be reviewedTestable 0 2 The /definitions/message/part/@element attribute of the Retrie3ve Value Set Request message shall be defined as ihe:RetrieveValueSetRequest.275Section 5:25:26 PM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-023to be reviewedTestable 0 2 The /definitions/message/part/@element attribute of the Retrieve Value Set Response message shall be defined as ihe:RetrieveValueSetResponse.275Section 11:18:50 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-024to be reviewedTestable 0 2 The /definitions/portType/operation/input/@wsaw:Action attribute for the Retrieve Value Set Request message shall be defined as urn:ihe:iti:2008:RetrieveValueSet.275Section 11:18:50 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-025to be reviewedTestable 0 2 The /definitions/portType/operation/output/@wsaw:Action attribute for the Retrieve Value Set Response message shall be defined as urn:ihe:iti:2008:RetrieveValueSetResponse.275Section 11:18:50 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-026to be reviewedTestable 0 2 The /definitions/binding/operation/soap12:operation/@soapActionRequired attribute shall be defined as false .275Section 11:18:50 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-027to be reviewedTestable 0 3 Value Set Repositories shall include within the response message payload for the SOAP Binding Option the <ihe:RetrieveValueSetResponse/> element which contains an optional /ihe:RetrieveValueSetResponse@cacheExpirationHint attribute, indicating that the Value Set Consumer should obtain a new copy before this date and time.276Section 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-028to be reviewedTestable 0 3 Value Set Repositories shall include within the response message payload for the SOAP Binding Option the <ihe:RetrieveValueSetResponse/> element which contains a required /ihe:RetrieveValueSetResponse/ihe:ValueSet element.276Figure 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-029to be reviewedTestable 0 3 The only occurrence of more than one ConceptList element in a response message shall be for the purpose of returning multiple language representations of the same value set.276Section 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-030to be reviewedTestable 0 2 Value Set Consumers which support the HTTP Binding Option shall use the GET method as defined in RFC2616 for the Retrieve Value Set Request. 277Section 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-031to be reviewedTestable 0 2 An id is required in the RetreieveMultipleValueSets request.277Table 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-032to be reviewedTestable 0 2 Value Set Repositories shall format the response to the HTTP GET operation as an HTTP response message as defined in IETF RFC2616.277Section 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-033to be reviewedTestable 0 2 The Content-Type field of the HTTP header shall be text/xml (see Section 14.4 of IETF RFC2616). 277Section 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-034to be reviewedTestable 0 2 The content of the HTTP response message shall be an XML encoded Expanded Value Set that complies with the SVS schema. 277Section 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-035to be reviewedTestable 0 2 The XML format shall be identical to the body of the SOAP response described in the SOAP binding.277Section 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-036to be reviewedTestable 0 2 The Expanded Value Set shall correspond to the Values Set identified by the Value Set Unique ID in the id parameter, the Value Set Version in 7165 the version parameter, and the language in the lang parameter.277Section 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann
ITI48ITI48-037to be reviewedTestable 0 3 Audit trails shall be configurable to record access to a selected list of Value Sets279Section 3.48.67/9/19 11:18:51 AM by aeschlimann