List Constraints

Search Criteria

List Constraints

Constraints Number : 72
validation class
package / norm
consValueOIDHomeCommunityIdSpecsamliheThe value shall be the Home Community ID (an Object Identifier) assigned to the Community that is in...
consvalPatIdentifierSpecsamliheThe value of the patient identifier shall have a CX Syntax (ITI TF Vol2b,
consSubRoleOptionSubjRoleOptionsamlihesubroleWhen actor is implementing Subject-Role option, an attribute with @Name='urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2....
consSubRoleOptionAuthzConsentOptionsamliheauthzWhen Actor is implementing Authz-Consent option, an attribute with @Name='urn:ihe:iti:bppc:2007:doci...
consSubRoleSubjectRoleAtributeSpecsamliheThe Role shall be recorded under the AttributeValue with an element <Role> in the namespace 'urn:hl7...
consSubjectOrganizationAttributeStatementSpecsamliheThe SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User may contain an <AttributeStatement> element with an Su...
consSubjectIdAttributeStatementSpecsamliheThe SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User may contain an <AttributeStatement> element with a Sub...
conssubjectAssertionSpecsamliheAssertion SHALL have a Subject (ITI TF Vol2b,
conssubjconfSubjectSpecsamliheSubject SHALL have SubjectConfirmation element (ITI TF Vol2b,
consPurposeOfUseOptionPurposeOfUseOptionsamlihepurpWhen Actor is implementing PurposeOfUse option, an attribute with @Name='urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0...
conspurpPurposeOfUseSpecsamlihePurpose of use shall be presented with an element <PurposeOfUse> under the element AttributeValue., ...
consProxyRestrictionConditionsSpecsamliheAn X-Service User may ignore a ProxyRestriction condition. (ITI TF Vol2b,
consPatientIdentifierAuthzConsentOptionsamliheauthzThe value of the Patient Identifier attribute is recommended when the InstanceAccessConsentPolicy at...
consOrganizationIDAttributeStatementSpecsamliheThe SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User may contain an <AttributeStatement> element with a Org...
consOneTimeUseConditionsSpecsamliheAn X-Service User may ignore a OneTimeUse condition. (ITI TF Vol2b,
consNPIAttributeStatementSpecsamliheThe SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User may contain an <AttributeStatement> element with a Nat...
consnotbeforeConditionsSpecsamliheNotBefore attribute SHALL be populated (ITI TF Vol2b,
consnameformatPPPIdentifierSpecsamliheThe NameFormat attribute SHALL be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri' (ITI TF Vol2b, ...
consnameformatPPPAckDocSpecsamliheThe NameFormat for a Patient Privacy Policy Acknowledgement Document unique ID attribute SHALL be 'u...
consHomeCommunityIdAttributeStatementSpecsamliheThe SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User may contain an <AttributeStatement> element with a Hom...