Class : CHXUA_AssertionRoleHCP

Class : CHXUA_AssertionRoleHCP

Class Name
Class Kind
Constraint Advanced
self.attributeStatement->size() > 0 and
  			self.attributeStatement->forAll(ast : AttributeStatementType | 
  				ast.attribute->size() > 0 and 
  				ast.attribute->exists(at : AttributeType | 
  					not( and = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:subject:role' and 
  					at.attributeValue->size()>0 and
  					at.attributeValue->forAll(av : AttributeValueType | 
  					not(av.role.oclIsUndefined()) and
  					not(av.role.code.oclIsUndefined()) and
  					av.role.code = 'HCP')

List of related constraints

  • The <SubjectConfirmation> element MUST contain a <NameID> child element. The <NameID> element must convey the GLN of the assistant with name qualifier name qualifier attribute set to urn:gs1:gln (Assistant Extension) or the unique ID the technical user is registered within the community and NameQualifier "urn:e-health-suisse:technical-user-id" (Technical User Extension) more..
  • In the Heathcare Professional Extension, the Assistant Extension and the Technical User Extension, The <NameID> child element of the <Subject> element MUST contain the GLN of the subject (responsible healthcare professional) with name qualifier attribute set to urn:gs1:gln. more..
  • In the Heathcare Professional Extension, the Assistant Extension and the Technical User Extension, The organization ID attribute ("urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:organization-id") MUST convey the identifiers of the organizations or groups the subject is assigned to. The identifiers MUST be OID in the format of URN as registered in the healthcare provider directory. more..
  • In the Heathcare Professional Extension, the Assistant Extension and the Technical User Extension, The organization attribute ("urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:organization") of the <AttributeStatement> MUST convey the name of the organizations or groups the subject is a member of. more..