Audit Message : IHE - DICOM - Data Import

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IHE - DICOM - Data Import
Document reference
Last change
6/30/17 10:40:45 AM (CEST GMT+0200) by r.hilary
Dicom compatible
Deprecate RFC3881 Validation
Deprecated Validator
Field Name Opt Value Regex
EventIdentification EventID M EV('110107', 'DCM', 'Import')
EventActionCode M C
EventDateTime M
EventOutcomeIndicator M
EventTypeCode U
User or Process Importing the data
1 .. *
Source Media
1 .. 1
0 .. *
0 .. *
1 .. *
Field Name Opt Value Regex
User or Process Importing the data ActiveParticipant Distinguisher RoleIDCode[@code='110152']
UserID M
AlternativeUserID U
UserName U
UserIsRequestor M
RoleIDCode M EV('110152', 'DCM', 'Destination Role ID')
NetworkAccessPointTypeCode U
NetworkAccessPointID U
Field Name Opt Value Regex
Source Media ActiveParticipant Distinguisher RoleIDCode[@code='110155']
UserID M
AlternativeUserID U
UserName U
UserIsRequestor M false
RoleIDCode M EV('110155', 'DCM', 'Source Media')
NetworkAccessPointTypeCode U
NetworkAccessPointID C
Media Identifier M
Field Name Opt Value Regex
Source ActiveParticipant Distinguisher RoleIDCode[@code='110153']
UserID M
AlternativeUserID U
UserName U
UserIsRequestor M
RoleIDCode M EV('110153', 'DCM', 'Source Role ID')
NetworkAccessPointTypeCode U
NetworkAccessPointID C
Field Name Opt Value Regex
Studies ParticipantObjectIdentification Distinguisher @ParticipantObjectTypeCode='2' and @ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole='3'
ParticipantObjectTypeCode M 2
ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole M 3
ParticipantObjectDataLifeCycle U
ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode M EV('110180', 'DCM', 'Study Instance UID')
ParticipantObjectSensitivity U
ParticipantObjectID M
ParticipantObjectName U
ParticipantObjectQuery U
ParticipantObjectDetail U
ParticipantObjectDescription U
Accession U
SOPClass U
NumberOfInstances U
Instance U
Encrypted U
Anonymized U
Field Name Opt Value Regex
Patients ParticipantObjectIdentification Distinguisher @ParticipantObjectTypeCode='1' and @ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole='1'
ParticipantObjectTypeCode M 1
ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole M 1
ParticipantObjectDataLifeCycle U
ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode M 2
ParticipantObjectSensitivity U
ParticipantObjectID M
ParticipantObjectName U
ParticipantObjectQuery U
ParticipantObjectDetail U
ParticipantObjectDescription U

Extra constraints :

2525warningfalse()This condition is not checked by the validator: In the AuditMessage/ParticipantObjectIdentification node, for the value of the @ParticipantObjectSensitivity field, the current confidentiality code of the object MUST be specified when the object is a document in the EPR. This value MUST represent a value from the Swiss Metadata Value-Set “xds-confCod” (2.16.756. in the HL7 CNE datatype format.(CH-ATNA-007)

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