Audit Message : EPR - PPQ-2 - Policy Repository Audit Message

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EPR - PPQ-2 - Policy Repository Audit Message
Document reference
Anhang 5 Ergänzung 2.1 der EPDV-EDI_Fassung vom 1. Juni 2023
Last change
8/21/23 4:38:02 PM (CEST GMT+0200) by vhofman
Dicom compatible
Deprecate RFC3881 Validation
Deprecated Validator
Field Name Opt Value Regex
EventIdentification EventID M EV('110112', 'DCM', 'Query')
EventActionCode M E
EventDateTime M
EventOutcomeIndicator M
EventTypeCode M EV('PPQ-2', 'e-health-suisse', 'Privacy Policy Retrieve')
1 .. 1
1 .. 1
0 .. *
1 .. 1
1 .. 1
Query Parameters
0 .. *
Field Name Opt Value Regex
Source ActiveParticipant Distinguisher RoleIDCode[@code='110153']
UserID M
AlternativeUserID U
UserName U
UserIsRequestor U
RoleIDCode M EV('110153', 'DCM', 'Source')
NetworkAccessPointTypeCode M ^1|2$
NetworkAccessPointID U
Field Name Opt Value Regex
Destination ActiveParticipant Distinguisher RoleIDCode[@code='110152']
UserID M
AlternativeUserID M
UserName U
UserIsRequestor U
RoleIDCode M EV('110152', 'DCM', 'Destination')
NetworkAccessPointTypeCode U ^1|2$
NetworkAccessPointID U
Field Name Opt Value Regex
HumanRequestor ActiveParticipant Distinguisher not(RoleIDCode) or RoleIDCode[@code!='110153' and @code!='110152']
UserID M
AlternativeUserID U
UserName U
UserIsRequestor U
RoleIDCode U
NetworkAccessPointTypeCode NA
NetworkAccessPointID NA
Field Name Opt Value Regex
AuditSourceIdentification AuditSourceID U
AuditEnterpriseSiteID M [0-2]((\.0)|(\.[1-9][0-9]*))*
AuditSourceTypeCode U
Field Name Opt Value Regex
Patient ParticipantObjectIdentification Distinguisher @ParticipantObjectTypeCode='1' and @ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole='1'
ParticipantObjectTypeCode M 1
ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole M 1
ParticipantObjectDataLifeCycle U
ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode M
ParticipantObjectSensitivity U
ParticipantObjectID M ^.+?\^\^\^.*?&.+?&ISO(\^.*){0,4}$
ParticipantObjectName U
ParticipantObjectQuery U
ParticipantObjectDetail U
Field Name Opt Value Regex
Query Parameters ParticipantObjectIdentification Distinguisher @ParticipantObjectTypeCode='2' and @ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole='24'
ParticipantObjectTypeCode M 2
ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole M 24
ParticipantObjectDataLifeCycle U
ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode M
ParticipantObjectSensitivity U
ParticipantObjectID M
ParticipantObjectName U
ParticipantObjectQuery M
ParticipantObjectDetail M

Extra constraints :

2624warningevery $cvt in //*[@codeSystemName] satisfies matches($cvt/@codeSystemName, '[0-2]((\.0)|(\.[1-9][0-9]*))*')In all elements of the type CodedValueType: whenever the represented code belongs to the Swiss Metadata Value Set, the attribute @codeSystemName shall contain the OID of the corresponding code system instead of its symbolic name. For all other codes, this requirement is optional.
2625errorcount(/AuditMessage/ActiveParticipant[matches(@UserName, '.*?<.+?@.+?>')]) > 0When the user is authenticated by way of an X-User Assertion, the UserName element shall record the X-User Assertion using the following encoding : alias<user@issuer>

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