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20 XDM Cross-Enterprise Document Media Interchange Cross-Enterprise Document Media Interchange (XDM) provides document interchange using a common file and directory structure over several standard media. This permits the patient to use physical media to carry medical documents. This also permits the use of person-to-person email to convey medical documents.
145 T33 Transfer of Documents on Media US HITSP: T33: Transfer of Documents on Media. The Transfer of Documents on Media Transaction describes both the type of media (CD-ROM, USB Memory, and e-Mail) that may be used to write the documents and provides a directory structure that must be followed in order for the contents to be successfully accessed and processed by systems. An example might be to transport data from one healthcare provider to another healthcare provider, or a healthcare consumer may wish to move the contents of a Personal Health Record (PHR) using physical media or e-Mail. This Transaction uses the IHE Cross-Enterprise Document Media Interchange Integration Profile developed by Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), a companion to the IHE Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) Integration Profile.
315 SEDI Secure Exchange of Dental Information The Secure Exchange of Dental Images (SEDI) Content Profile provides DICOM SOP Instances and image related documents using a reliable web based messaging service. It also allows for the option to support email transport of these imaging documents. SEDI permits direct imaging document interchange between an Imaging Document Source and other healthcare IT imaging document-capable systems.
34PMCPortable Media CreatorThis actor assembles the content of the media and writes it to the physical medium.
35PMIPortable Media ImporterThis actor reads the DICOM information (DICOM FSR) contained on the media. This system provides the user the ability to select a set of DICOM instances and reconcile key patient and study attributes (when necessary) to facilitate inclusion of the imported data in the local information system(s).
1228DENTAL_DOC_SOURCEDental Document Sourcesends DICOM SOP Instances and image reports and associated documents.
1229DENTAL_DOC_RECIPIENTDental Document Recipientreceives DICOM SOP Instances and image reports and associated documents.
Assertion Id
ITI32-001 If the ZIP over Email Response Option is supported, the Portable Media Importer shall detect whether the Import was successful or not.
ITI32-002 The Portable Media Creator shall be able to include one or multiple Submission Set(s), including document(s) and associated metadata
ITI32-003 Additionally it shall include a README.TXT file and an INDEX.HTM and associated files for use to display the media content using a simple browser. It may include other files and directories that the Portable Media Importer will ignore.
ITI32-004 The media shall contain at the root directory level an IHE_XDM directory.
ITI32-005 The media shall contain at the root directory level two files for helping access the content of the media : README.TXT and INDEX.HTM.
ITI32-006 The media shall contain at the root directory level an Autorun file or equivalent shall not be present in the root directory. Executable files may be present, but shall not be configured to start automatically.
ITI32-007 The IHE_XDM directory shall contain one sub-directory per submission set included on the media.
ITI32-008 Each submission set directory shall contain a METADATA.XML file containing the XDS Registry metadata
ITI32-009 Each submission set directory shall contain one file for each simple part document referenced in the metadata as an XDSDocumentEntry.
ITI32-010 Each submission set directory shall contain one sub-directory for each multipart document referenced in the metadata as an XDSDocumentEntry.
ITI32-011 Each submission set directory shall contain potentially other files and directories that are ignored by the Portable Media Importer.
ITI32-012 The multipart document shall be structured as one sub-directory containing all the parts as file, including the start part corresponding to the main file to be open by the multipart document viewer.
ITI32-013 The URI element of the metadata describing a file that is present on this media shall point to the file containing the document, through a relative URI where the base URI is the directory holding the METADATA.XML file that contains the DocumentEntry.URI attribute.
ITI32-014 If the ZIP over Email Response Option is supported and a response was requested, the Portable Media Importer shall send a response, based on the [MDN] mechanism, depending of the success of the Import operation.
ITI32-015 If the ZIP over Email Response Option is supported, Portable Media Creator shall be configurable to include in its message header the request for a response Disposition-Notification-To, followed by the email address to which Portable Media Importer shall send the response
ITI32-016 The Portable Media Importer shall acknowledge this operation by sending a MDN response to the email address included in the message.
ITI32-017 The Portable Media Creator shall consider that the import is successful unless the disposition-modifier contains the word error or failure, case insensitive.
ITI32-018 If the ZIP over Email Option is supported, the subject line of the email shall contain the phrase XDM/1.0/DDM
ITI32-019 The Portable Media Importer shall verify the integrity of the media by comparing their size and hash with the value of the corresponding entries in the METADATA.XML file of the relevant submission set directory. Mismatching documents shall be indicated to the user. Media faults shall be indicated to the user.
ITI32-020 If the Basic Patient Privacy Enforcement Option is implemented, the Portable Media Creator shall populate the confidentialityCode in the document metadata with the list of values that identify the sensitivity classifications that apply to the associated document. All documents submitted shall have confidentiality codes. The confidentiality codes for different documents in the same submission may be different.

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  • Gazelle 7.1.7
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