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Id: 141

Keyword: ITI-46

Name: PIXV3 Update Notification

Description: PIXV3 Update Notification

TF Reference:

Status: Final Text

44 PIXV3 Patient Identifier Cross-Reference HL7 V3 The PIX profile supports the Cross-referencing of patient identifiers from multiple Patient Identification Domains. These Cross-referenced patient identifiers can then be used by "identity consumer" systems to correlate information about a single patient from sources that "know" the patient by different identifiers. This allows a Clinician to have more complete view of the patient information.
356 CH:PIXV3 Patient Identifier Cross-Referencing HL7 V3 Swiss Extension
27PAT_ID_X_REF_MGRPatient Identity Cross-reference ManagerServes a well-defined set of Patient Identification Domains. Based on information provided by in each Patient Identification Domain by a Patient Identification Source Actor, it manages the cross-referencing of patient identifiers across Patient Identification Domains.
67PAT_ID_X_REF_CONSPatient Identifier Cross-reference ConsumerThis actor allows a system in a Patient Identification Domain to find out the identification of a patient in a different Patient Identification Domain by using the services of a Patient Identity Cross-Reference Manager Actor.
Assertion Id
ITI46-1 PIXV3 Update Notification [ITI-46] transaction references the following standard HL7 Version 3 Edition 2008 Patient Administration DSTU, Patient Topic (found at
ITI46-12 The Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager shall have configuration indicating which Identity Consumers are interested in receiving the PIXV3 Update Notification Transactions.
ITI46-13 This configuration information shall include identification of the identity consumer systems interested in receiving notifications and, for each of those systems, a list of the patient identifier domains of interest.
ITI46-14 The Patient Registry Record Revised message will be transmitted using Web Services, according to the requirements specified in ITI TF-2x: Appendix V
ITI46-15 The following WSDL naming conventions SHALL apply: revise message -> "PRPA_IN201302UV02_Message" acknowledgement -> "MCCI_IN000002UV01_Message"
ITI46-16 The identifiers found in both and attributes shall be considered together to form a complete list of patient identifiers from the different Patient Identity domains in which this actor is interested.
ITI46-17 In the case where the returned list of identifiers contains multiple identifiers for a single domain, the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer shall either use ALL of the multiple identifiers from the given domain or it shall ignore ALL of the multiple identifiers from the given domain
ITI46-18 The following WSDL naming conventions SHALL apply: wsdl:definitions/@name="PIXConsumer": PIX update message -> "PRPA_IN201302UV02_Message" acknowledgement ->"MCCI_IN000002UV01_Message" portType -> "PIXConsumer_PortType" get identifiers operation -> "PIXConsumer_PRPA_IN201302UV02" SOAP 1.2 binding -> "PIXConsumer_Binding_Soap12" SOAP 1.2 port -> "PIXConsumer_Port_Soap12"
ITI46-19 When grouped with ATNA Secure Node or Secure Application actors, this transaction is to be audited as Patient Record event, as defined in ITI TF-2a: Table 3.20.6-1. Tables show items that are required to be part of the audit record produced by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference manager actor for this transaction
ITI46-2 Implementers of this transaction shall comply with all requirements described in ITI TF-2x: Appendix V Web Services for IHE Transactions.
ITI46-20 When grouped with ATNA Secure Node or Secure Application actors, this transaction is to be audited as Patient Record event, as defined in ITI TF-2a: Table 3.20.6-1. Tables show items that are required to be part of the audit record produced by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference consumer actor for this transaction
ITI46-21 Whenever the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer receives updated identifier information in a Patient Revise message that results in a change to the cross-referencing of a patient, the actor shall update its internal identifier information for the affected patient(s) in all domains in which it is interested
ITI46-3 The Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager shall notify a Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer when there is a change in a set of cross-referenced patient identifiers for any of the patient identifiers belonging to Patient Identifier Domains of interest to the consumer
ITI46-4 Several notifications may have to be issued to communicate a single update to a set of cross-reference patient identifiers as required to reflect all the changes on the resulting sets of cross-reference patient Identifiers belonging to Patient Identifier Domains of interest to the Patient Identifier Cross-referencing Consumer
ITI46-5 The following HL7 trigger event will be used to update to the list of patient identifiers: Patient Registry Record Revised (PRPA_TE201302UV02). This trigger event signals that patient information was revised in a patient registry.
ITI46-6 The PIX Update Notification transaction is conducted by the Patient Revise (PRPA_MT201302UV02) message
ITI46-7 Each message shall be acknowledged by the HL7 V3 Accept Acknowledgement (MCCI_MT000200UV01), which is described in ITI TF-2x: Appendix O

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