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View Transaction

View Transaction Information

Id: 70

Keyword: ITI-21

Name: Patient Demographics Query

Description: Look up and return patient demographic information in a single patient demographics source, based upon matches with full or partial demographic information entered by the user.

TF Reference:

Status: Final Text

Referenced standards :

41 PDQ Patient Demographics Query This profile provides ways for multiple distributed applications to query a central patient information server for a list of patients, based on user-defined search criteria. Patient demographics data can be entered directly into the application from which the user is querying by picking the appropriate record from a list of possible matches (called here a patient pick list).
63 DEPRECATED:IRWF DEPRECATED: Import Reconciliation Workflow The Import Reconciliation Workflow Integration Profile (IRWF) specifies how data Importers obtain local demographics, coerce patient and procedure attribute values in the imported data and report press/status of the importation process. The Profile complements the Scheduled Workflow Profile by using the existing workflow mechanisms for notification and storage of imported Evidence Objects.
150 T23 HITSP Patient Demographics Query Transaction US HITSP: T23: HITSP Patient Demographics Transaction. The Patient Demographics Query Transaction is intended to provide a ‘list patients and their demographics’ query / ‘patient(s) and their demographics identified’ response message pair (QBP^Q22, RSP^K22) for use wherever such needs exist. This Transaction document extracts the Health Level Seven (HL7) version 2.5 Query and Response data mapping. The underlying basis for this extraction can be found in the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise IT Infrastructure Technical Framework, Patient Demographics Query integration profile.
36PDCPatient Demographics ConsumerThis actor allows a user to associate information with a patient at the point of care.
37PDSPatient Demographics SupplierA repository of patient information that can be searched on demographic or visit-related fields.
71IMPORTERImporterA system that imports evidence documents such as images, presentation states, Key Image Notes or Evidence Documents from hardcopy or digital media.
Assertion Id
ITI21-1 Patient Demographics Query [ITI-21] transaction references the following chapters from the HL7 Version 2.5 standard: Chapter 2 - Control Chapter 3 - Patient Administration Chapter 5 - Query
ITI21-12 Query responses may return patient identifiers from 0, 1 or multiple patient identifier domains.
ITI21-13 When more than one patient information source is available, Field MSH-5-Receiving Application specifies the patient information source that this query is targeting.
ITI21-15 The Patient Demographics Supplier shall return the value received in MSH-5 in MSH-3-Sending Application of the RSP^K22 response.
ITI21-16 A list shall be published of all Receiving Applications that the Patient Demographics Supplier supports, for the Patient Demographics Consumer to choose from.
ITI21-19 In a multiple-domain environment, QPD-8 may be used to identify one or more domains of interest to the Patient Demographics Consumer and from which the Consumer wishes to obtain a value for PID-3-Patient Identifier
ITI21-20 If QPD-8 is empty, the Patient Demographics Supplier shall return all Patient IDs known by the Patient Demographics Supplier for each patient that matches the search criteria.
ITI21-21 If QPD-8 is specified and the domains are recognized, the Patient Demographics Supplier shall return the Patient IDs for each patient that matches the search criteria
ITI21-22 Any domain transmitted in QPD-8 and not recognized by the Patient Demographics Supplier is an error condition.
ITI21-23 In a single-domain environment, the Supplier shall always return the identifier from the Patient ID Domain known by the Patient Demographics Supplier
ITI21-26 The Patient Demographics Consumer shall be able to support at least one of the following mechanisms for specifying QPD-8: 1. Transmit an empty value and receive all identifiers in all domains known by the Patient Demographics Supplier (one or more domains), or 2. Transmit a single value and receive zero or more identifiers in a single domain, or 3. Transmit multiple values and receive multiple identifiers in those multiple domains.
ITI21-27 The Patient Demographics Consumer Actor may request that responses to the query be sent, using the HL7 Continuation Protocol, in increments of a specified number of patient records
ITI21-28 The Patient Demographics Supplier Actor shall support the HL7 Continuation Protocol.
ITI21-29 The Patient Demographics Supplier Actor shall be capable of accepting, searching on, and responding with attributes in the QPD segment as specified in Table 3.21-2
ITI21-3 The Patient Demographics Consumer Actor shall generate an HL7v2.5 QBP^Q22 query message whenever it needs to select from a list of patients whose information matches a minimal set of demographic data
ITI21-30 The Patient Demographics Supplier Actor must be capable of receiving all possible representations of an Assigning Authority (patient identifier domain) in QPD.8.4 (What Domain Returned): 1) namespace, 2) universal id (OID) and 3) both namespace and universal id (OID).
ITI21-31 The Patient Demographics Supplier shall return at least all exact matches to the query parameters sent by the Patient Demographics Consumer
ITI21-32 The segments of the RSP^K22^RSP_K21 message listed without enclosing square brackets in the table 3.21-6 are required. Detailed descriptions of all segments listed in the table below are provided in the subsections of Other segments of the message are optional.
ITI21-34 The Patient Demographics Supplier Actor finds (in the patient information source associated with MSH-5-Receiving Application) at least one patient record matching the criteria sent in QPD-3-Demographics Fields. No patient identifier domains are requested in QPD-8-What Domains Returned. AA (application accept) is returned in MSA-1. OK (data found, no errors) is returned in QAK-2. One PID segment group (i.e., one PID segment plus any segments associated with it in the message syntax shown in Table 3.21-5) is returned from the patient information source for each patient record found.
ITI21-35 If the Patient Demographics Supplier Actor returns data for multiple patients, it shall return these data in successive occurrences of the PID segment group.

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