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50 XUA Cross Enterprise User Assertion provides user identity in transactions that cross enterprise boundaries, specifically the XDS profile that creates an Affinity Domain. When transactions cross enterprise boundaries the mechanisms found in the EUA and PWP profile are insufficient and often nonfunctional. Enterprises may choose to have their own user directory and their own unique method of authenticating. To provide accountability in these cross enterprise transactions there is a need to identify the requesting user in a way that the receiver can make access decisions and proper audit entries.
241 epSOS-Authentication epSOS-Authentication
360 CH:XUA Deprecated Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss Extension (deprecated) Deprecated the 16/01/2019 after the implementation of the new CH:XUA profile (from Ergänzung 1 zu Anhang 5 version 1.4 to 1.6)
385 CH:XUA Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss Extension
87X-SERV-USRX-Service UserX-Service User
88X-SERV-PROVX-Service ProviderX-Service Provider
1181NCP-ANational Contact Point Country A This is the country of affiliation of the patient
1182NCP-BNational Contact Point Country BThis is the country of care
Assertion Id
ITI40-003 The X-Service User is configurable as to when [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion is necessary
ITI40-004 The X-Service Provider is configurable as to when [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion is necessary
ITI40-005 The X-Service User shall include the OASIS Web Services Security (WSS) Header
ITI40-006 The X-Service User shall include a SAML 2.0 Assertion as the security token
ITI40-007 Any ATNA Audit Messages that the X-Service User records in relationship to a transaction protected by the XUA shall have the user identity recorded according to the XUA specific ATNA encoding rules in Section ATNA Audit encoding).
ITI40-009 The SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User shall contain a Subject. The Subject contains the logical identifier of the principal performing the original service request
ITI40-010 The Subject in the SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User shall remain unchanged through operations acting on the assertion.
ITI40-011 The Subject in the SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User shall contain a SubjectConfirmation element.
ITI40-012 The X-Service User shall support the bearer confirmation method as defined in the SAML 2.0 Profile specification, Section 3.
ITI40-013 In the SAML Assertion Conditions element, the NotBefore element shall be populated with the issue instant of the Assertion
ITI40-014 The SAML Assertion Conditions element, sall contain an AudienceRestriction containing an Audience whose value is a URI identifying the X-Service Provider.
ITI40-015 An X-Service User may ignore a ProxyRestriction condition.
ITI40-016 An X-Service Provider may ignore a ProxyRestriction condition. (ie if the Assertion contains that condition, it is not a test failure if it is not enforced.)
ITI40-017 An X-Service User may ignore a OneTimeUsecondition.
ITI40-018 An X-Service Provider may ignore a OneTimeUse condition. (ie if the Assertion contains that condition, it is not a test failure if it is not enforced.)
ITI40-019 The SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User shall contain an AuthnStatement to specify the AuthnContextClassRef or AuthnContextDeclRef
ITI40-020 The SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User may contain an <AttributeStatement> element with a Subject ID attribute.
ITI40-021 If the Subject ID is present, this <Attribute> element shall have the Name attribute set to “urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:subject-id”. The name of the user shall be placed in the value of the <AttributeValue> element.
ITI40-022 The SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User may contain an <AttributeStatement> element with an Subject Organization attribute. If present, the value of the Subject Organization shall be a plain text description of the organization.
ITI40-023 The SAML assertion sent by the X-Service User may contain an <AttributeStatement> element with a Organization ID attribute. If present, this <Attribute> element shall have the Name attribute set to “urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:organization-id”.

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  • Gazelle 7.1.7
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