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Id: 137

Keyword: ITI-42

Name: Register Document Set-b

Description: Register Document Set-b

TF Reference:

Status: Final Text

Document Section :


36 TP13 Manage Sharing of Documents Transaction Package with Doc Integrity Check US HITSP: TP13: Manage Sharing of Documents Transaction Package with Doc The Manage Sharing of Documents Transaction Package supports the sharing of patient records in the form of source attested objects called documents. A healthcare document is a composite of structured and coded health information, both narrative and tabular, that describes acts, observations and services for the purpose of exchange. No assumption is made by this construct in terms of the format and structure of the content of documents shared.
39 XDS.b Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing The Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b) IHE Integration Profile facilitates the registration, distribution and access across health enterprises of patient electronic health records. Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing is focused on providing a standards-based specification for managing the sharing of documents between any healthcare enterprise, ranging from a private physician office to a clinic to an acute care in-patient facility.
90 CH:XDS-I.b Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging
151 TP49 HITSP Sharing Radiology Results Transaction Package US HITSP: TP49: Sharing Radiology Results Transaction Package. The Sharing Imaging Results Transaction Package supports the sharing of radiology result data in a document sharing functional flow scenario.
244 CMPD Community Medication Prescription and Dispense The Community Medication Prescription and Dispense Integration Profile (CMPD) describes the process of prescription, validation and dispense of medication in the community domain.
315 SEDI Secure Exchange of Dental Information The Secure Exchange of Dental Images (SEDI) Content Profile provides DICOM SOP Instances and image related documents using a reliable web based messaging service. It also allows for the option to support email transport of these imaging documents. SEDI permits direct imaging document interchange between an Imaging Document Source and other healthcare IT imaging document-capable systems.
386 CH:XDS.b Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing Swiss Extension
41DOC_SOURCEDocument SourceThe Document Source is the producer and publisher of documents and metadata.
43DOC_REGISTRYDocument RegistryThe Document Registry Actor maintains metadata about each registered document in a document entry. This includes a link to the Document in the Repository where it is stored. The Document Registry responds to queries from Document Consumer actors about documents meeting specific criteria. It also enforces some healthcare specific technical policies at the time of document registration.
44DOC_REPOSITORYDocument RepositoryThe Document Repository is responsible for both the persistent storage of these documents as well as for their registration with the appropriate Document Registry. It assigns a URI to documents for subsequent retrieval by a Document Consumer.
54EMBED_REPOSIntegrated Document Source/RepositoryThe Integrated Document Source/Repository is an XDS combination of Document Source and Document Repository that does not expose the interface between the Source and Repository. That is, this Source only publishes documents to its own Repository. It does register documents with a Document Registry
1190CPMCommunity Pharmacy ManagerThe main role of this actor consists in providing the business logic for status management and other purposes. As a second role it acts as a “relaying role” where certain standard XDS communication is routed through for providing the possibility of applying project-specific business logic on it. It provides special query-transactions which consuming actors (prescription placer, pharmaceutical adviser or medication dispenser) used for reducing the amount of data flowing to them. They return just “relevant” information for specific purposes (e.g., returning just all “active” prescriptions ready for being validated or dispensed together with all related documents). This actor is usually a system actor without human participation.
1228DENTAL_DOC_SOURCEDental Document Sourcesends DICOM SOP Instances and image reports and associated documents.
1229DENTAL_DOC_RECIPIENTDental Document Recipientreceives DICOM SOP Instances and image reports and associated documents.
Assertion Id
CH-ADR-075 The PEP authorizing ITI-42 transactions by implementing an Authorization Decision Consumer MUST, in addition to the result from the Authorization Decision Query, validate that the resource-id from the SAML Assertion identifies the same patient as the MPI-PID supplied in the Register Document Set-b transaction. If not true, the transaction MUST be denied (see Section CH:ADRdue to XDS Register Document Set-b [ITI-42])
ITI42-1 A Register Document Set-b transaction shall carry XDS Submission Set definition along with the linkage to new documents and references to existing documents
ITI42-10 The Register Document Set-b Transaction is either a PHI-Import event or a PHI-Export event, depending on actor, as defined inITI TF-2a:Table 3.20.6-1
ITI42-2 The Document Registry with the aid of the Registry Adaptor shall accept all valid SubmitObjectsRequests
ITI42-3 The Document Registry Actor shall store and later include in query responses all IHE-defined metadata attributes received in the Register Document Set-b [ITI-42] transaction
ITI42-4 If the Document Registry Actor does not send the XDSExtraMetadataNotSaved warning in its response, it shall also store and later include in query responses all non-IHE-defined metadata attributes
ITI42-5 If the registry rejects the metadata, then, the following shall occur: An error is returned The error status includes an error message The request is rolled back
ITI42-6 The Register Document Set-b transaction shall use SOAP 1.2
ITI42-7 The Document Registry Actor shall accept the Register Document Set-b Request formatted as a SIMPLE SOAP message and respond with the Register Document Set-b Response formatted as a SIMPLE SOAP message
ITI42-8 The Document Repository Actor shall generate the Register Document Set-b Request formatted as a SIMPLE SOAP message and accept the Register Document Set-b Response formatted as a SIMPLE SOAP message
ITI42-9 The Document Repository Actor shall make (all) the new document(s) included in the XDS Submission Set available for retrieval via the Retrieve Document Set transaction before it initiates the Register Document Set-b Request message with the Registry Actor

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