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Standard details

Standard details

Keyword: HL7_FHIR_R4

Name: HL7 FHIR standard release 4

Version: R4

Assertion Id
CH-PIXm-001 [ITI-83] The PIX Consumer SHALL provide 1 or 2 Assigning Authorities for the Patient Identity Domains restricted to the assigning authority of the community and/or the EPR-SPID.
CH-PIXm-002 [ITI-83] The PIX Manager SHALL return at most 2 targetIdentifiers, with their assigning authorities (as specified in ITI TF - 2x: Appendix E.3).
CH-PIXm-003 [ITI-83] In the message response, the PIX Manager SHALL return at most 1 (one) targetId.
CH-PIXm-004 [ITI-104] The patient data SHALL be conform to the CH:PIXm Patient profile with the canonical url
CH-PIXm-005 [ITI-104] If the patient is already registered in a community, the MPI-PID SHALL be provided as an identifier.
CH-PIXm-006 [ITI-104] If the patient is already registered in a community, the EPR-SPID MAY be added as an identifier in the Request.
CH-PIXm-007 [ITI-104] The birthname can be added to the Request with the ISO 21090 qualifier extension.
CH-PIXm-008 [ITI-104] The religion SHALL NOT be added to the request.
CH-PIXm-009 [ITI-104] If the MPI-PID is provided as an identifier, the PIX Manager SHALL use the MPI-PID to correlate the patient in the community.
CH-PIXm-010 [ITI-104] TLS SHALL be used.
CH-PIXm-011 [ITI-104] The CH:PIXm Mobile Patient Identity Feed [ITI-104] request MUST authorize using the Incorporate Access Token [ITI-72] transaction of the IUA profile.
ITI83-001 The Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager processes the request and returns a response that includes zero or more Patient Identifiers for the matching patient.
ITI83-002 In an ITI-83 query, the PIX Consumer SHALL provide exactly one instance of the sourceIdentifier.
ITI83-003 If Patient Identity Domains are specified in the targetSystem parameter of the query, the PIX Manager SHALL return the Patient Identifiers for each requested domain if a value is known.
ITI83-004 The Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager SHALL use the sourceIdentifier and the targetSystem(s) parameters to determine the Patient Identities that match.
ITI83-005 In the query message, the PIX Consumer SHALL send 1 and only 1 identifier in the sourceIdentifier parameter.
ITI83-006 In the query message, the parameter targetSystem SHALL be present 0..* times. This parameter define the Assigning Authorities for the Patient Identity Domains from which the returned identifiers shall be selected.
ITI83-007 In the query message, the PIX Consumer SHALL send 0..1 _format parameter. This parameter defines the requested format of the response, from the mime-type value set.
ITI83-008 In the response message, the PIX Manager SHALL return 0..* targetIdentifiers parameter. This parameter SHALL include assigning authorities..
ITI83-009 In the response message, the PIX Manager SHALL return 0..* targetId parameter. This parameter correspond to the URL of the Patient Resource.

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