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Test : XDM_PMI_Import_Media

Test Summary

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Is external tool ?
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Short Description
Portable Media Creator and Importer exchange content on XDM media (CD-R or USB). Content is taken from gazelle samples so no PMC needed for this test
Last changed
1/26/24 7:29:32 AM

Test Description in English

Special Instructions

The Portable Media Importer is asked to import XDM formatted media from Gazelle samples.

This test will require you to use the Syslog Collector tool, embedded in Gazelle Security Suite, which will act as an Audit Record Repository.

UDP and TCP-TLS ports on which the tool is listenning are available to the user on the page Audit Trail > Syslog Collector.


First off, configure your system to use the Syslog Collector as Audit Record Repository.

You are then asked to import XDM-formatted media into your system.

Resources for this test can be found at :

Use the sample IHE_XDM.ZIP if you are implementing USB or ZIP over mail options to import the documents.

If you implement USB option, simply unzip the content of the archive at root of an USB key or anywhere else allowing you to simulate this kind of media.

If you implement ZIP over mail option, use the zip as you would with an archive sent by e-mail.

For systems implementing CD-R option, an ISO image simulating a CD-R XDM-Formated media named : XDM_CD.iso is available.

Note:  The metadata requirements are found in ITI TF-3: Table 4.3.1-3

The import of the media should initiate an audit message. Your system should send the message to the Syslog Collector. Go to Gazelle Security Suite, on page Audit Trail > Syslog Collector. Filter the list of received messages by host or IP of the sender, and find the message sent according to the timestamps. Click on the magnifying glass to display the message details, then copy its permanent link in the corresponding [EVIDENCE] test step.


The Monitor verifies that:

  • Supported documents are successfully imported into the system. The operator of the Importer system may demonstrate this by various means, e.g. by displaying the imported document (after the media has been removed from the system) or displaying contents from the imported file(s) in the system's database
    • From ITI TF-1:16.4.3:  The Portable Media Importer has two complementary ways to access the media and its content through a basic web browser :
      • By inspecting in the directory dedicated to XDM all the subdirectories that contain a specifically named metadata file compatible with XDM
      • By presenting to the user the HTML index file that lists the submission sets and documents contained in the media.
  • The Importer system can demonstrate some form of 'processing of medical data' in the types of documents it is designed to support. It means that it's not sufficient to just write the imported document to the Importer system's hard disk.
  • From ITI TF-2b: The Importer has a method for verifying the integrity of the media by comparing the size and hash values of the entries in METADATA.XML to the relevant submission set directory(ies).

The Monitor will also verify that the import action was audited. (ITI TF 2b:  

  • The audit message contains an "Import" event
  • The audit message describes the submission set and/or study that is imported.

Test Roles

# to realize
Card Min
Card Max
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile XDM-Cross-Enterprise Document Media InterchangeActor PMI-Portable Media ImporterNONEtrue
IntegrationProfile XDM-Cross-Enterprise Document Media InterchangeActor PMI-Portable Media ImporterUSBtrue
IntegrationProfile XDM-Cross-Enterprise Document Media InterchangeActor PMI-Portable Media ImporterCD_Rtrue
IntegrationProfile XDM-Cross-Enterprise Document Media InterchangeActor PMI-Portable Media ImporterZIP_OVER_EMAILtrue

Test Steps

Step Index
Initiator Role
Responder Role
Message Type
1XDM_PMI_ANY_OPTIONXDM_PMI_ANY_OPTIONNoneRequired[OTHER-ACTION] Configure your system to use the Syslog Collector as Audit Record Repository.
10XDM_PMI_ANY_OPTIONXDM_PMI_ANY_OPTIONITI-32Required[TRANSACTION] Import the XDM Media from Gazelle samples.
20XDM_PMI_ANY_OPTIONXDM_PMI_ANY_OPTIONITI-20Required[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] Your PMI SUT audits the import of the media. Copy in this step the permanent link to the messages.
30XDM_PMI_ANY_OPTIONXDM_PMI_ANY_OPTIONNoneRequired[EVIDENCE] If the results of the import is successful, let the Monitor evaluate the results of the import.

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    Copyright IHE 2024
  • Gazelle 7.1.7
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