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Test : XDM_PMC_Create_Media

Test Summary

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Short Description
Portable Media Creator creates CD-R and/or USB
Last changed
1/26/24 7:29:26 AM

Test Description in English

Special Instructions

This test applies to XDM Portable Media Creators that create CD-R and/or USB media.

This test will require you to use the Syslog Collector tool, embedded in Gazelle Security Suite, which will act as an Audit Record Repository.

UDP and TCP-TLS ports on which the tool is listenning are available to the user on the page Audit Trail > Syslog Collector.


First off, configure your system to use the Syslog Collector as Audit Record Repository.

This test case is used to create XDM-formatted media (CD-R or USB), or ZIP archive to send in a Mail.

As a Portable Media Creator, when you create your media, we want you to put documents from the various IHE content profiles your system supports (eg: APR, BPPC, EDES,  EDR, IC, XDS-MS, XDS-SD, XD-LAB, XPHR, etc). Each supported document type must be represented in your Sample. This will be part of the Evaluation.

If your system supports creating multiple submission sets on one CD-R media, you should create more than one submission set on the media for this test.

If your system can create multi-part documents, your submission set(s) should contain at least one sample multi-part document.

You will also be required to demonstrate that you send an 'export' audit message when you create an XDM media.

To create your XDM media :

We want you to create XDM media in these formats:

  1. If you support the CD-R option, create one copy of the media.
  2. If you support CD-R, creating USB is optional in the context of this test. You may choose to test with only CD-R.  If you only support the USB option, create one USB.
  3. Create a zip file of the file structure on your XDM media. Upload that zip file into the gazelle samples area: menu Connectathon >List of Samples. On the 'Samples to share' tab, upload your zip file under the 'XDM' entry.

The monitor will follow along the creation of the media.

    The import of the media should initiate an audit message. Your system should send the message to the Syslog Collector. Go to Gazelle Security Suite, on page Audit Trail > Syslog Collector. Filter the list of received messages by the host or the IP of the sender, and find the message sent according to the timestamps. Click on the magnifying glass to display the message details, then copy its permanent link in the corresponding [EVIDENCE] test step.


    The Monitor will ask you:

    • which IHE document types you included on your media (it should be listed on your media)
    • whether you can create multi-part documents in your submission sets
    • whether you can include more than one submission set per media
    • whether you support the Web Content option of the PDI profile

    The monitor will only evaluate the structure of your media through the archive you uploaded in Gazelle. As the monitor will not have physical access to your CD-R or USB media (if you created one), no requirement will be checked on it directly.

    However if you created a physical media (CD-R or USB), the monitor may ask you to open it with your computer to perform some checks.

      The Monitor will then examine your media sample through the archive found in Gazelle Test Management for the following characteristics:

      • There is no autorun or equivalent file in the root directory of the media.
      • README.TXT is present at the root level of the media. The README.TXT will contain
        • Contact info on the institution that created the media
        • Information regarding the application that created the media
        • Contact information of the vendor of the application that created the media
        • General information about the overall organization of the media
        • (optionally, if a Media Viewer is contained) OS supported; name of the product application and software version; contact information of the vendor that provided the Media Viewer; disclaimer about the intended usage of the application; list of minimum requirements
      • INDEX.HTM is present at the root level and contains properly formatted XHTML. This file *may* contain:
        • Patient ID and demographics (submission sets on the media may belong to one or more patients)
        • Source Facility information
        • a description of other content which is on the media, including the means to launch any executable that may be present on the media
      • The root directory contains a folder IHE_XDM.
      • IHE_XDM folder contains one or more subfolders for the contents of the submission sets.
      • The subfolder(s) each contain the file METADATA.XML. You must use EVSClient to validate them. The validation in EVSClient for each of those files must be PASSED. To validate the metadata file :
        • Go to EVSClient
        • Go to EPR > XDS-CH > Validate
        • Upload the METADATA.XML file
        • Choose the validator : CH XDM ITI-32 Distribute Document Set on Media
        • Click on Validate
        • Copy the permanent link to the report in the appropriate [EVIDENCE] step.
      • The subfolder(s) may contain

        - one or more files that are the single-part document(s) referenced by the METADATA.XML

        - one or more sub-directory for each multi-part document

      • File names are restricted to eight characters with a three-character extension, upper case letters, numbers and underscore; maximum depth of directories is eight.
      • The submission set(s) contain one or more samples of each IHE content profile the Portable Media Creator system supports.

      Note:  The metadata requirements are found in ITI TF-3: Table 4.3.1-3

      Finally, the Monitor will also verify that the export action was audited.  (ITI TF-2b:

      • The audit message contains an "export" event
      • The audit message describes the submission set and/or study that is exported.

      Test Roles

      # to realize
      Card Min
      Card Max
      URL Doc
      Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
      IntegrationProfile XDM-Cross-Enterprise Document Media InterchangeActor PMC-Portable Media CreatorUSBtrue
      IntegrationProfile XDM-Cross-Enterprise Document Media InterchangeActor PMC-Portable Media CreatorCD_Rtrue
      IntegrationProfile ATNA-Audit Trail and Node Authentication Actor SN-Secure NodeNONEfalse

      Test Steps

      Step Index
      Initiator Role
      Responder Role
      Message Type
      10PMC-XDM-MediaCreatorPMC-XDM-MediaCreatorNoneRequired[OTHER-ACTION] Create content for CD-R or USB media or a ZIP archive formatted according to the XDM profile.
      20PMC-XDM-MediaCreatorPMC-XDM-MediaCreatorITI-20Required[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] Your PMC SUT audits the creation/export of the media. Copy in this step the permanent link to the messages.
      60PMC-XDM-MediaCreatorPMC-XDM-MediaCreatorNoneRequired[OTHER-ACTION][EVIDENCE] Finally, create a zip file of the file structure on your XDM media. Upload that zip file into the gazelle samples area.
      70PMC-XDM-MediaCreatorPMC-XDM-MediaCreatorNoneRequired[EVIDENCE] Copy in this step the permanent link to the validation of each METADATA.XML file.

      Tool index

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      • Gazelle 7.1.7
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