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Test : CHATC_ARR_ITI81_NormalCases

Test Summary

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Is external tool ?
Is Orchestrable
is Validated ?
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Test validated by
Short Description
The purpose of this test case is to make sure your Patient Audit Record Repository is able to answer to the Search operation on AuditEvent resources using the search parameters as defined in CH:ATC profile
Last changed
1/26/24 7:25:23 AM

Test Description in English

Special Instructions

As a pre-requisite, you have run the CHATC_ARR_CONF test. Your system contains the expected set of data for this test to be executed correctly and is integrated with Gazelle ADR Provider simulator.
This test is executed using Gazelle Webservice Tester as a CH:ATC Patient Audit Consumer actor. A test suite has been designed to issue search requests on AuditEvent resources in conformance to the CH:ATC specifications.

The Patient Audit Record Repository actor is expected to act as a X-Service user when sending an AuthorizationDecision query to an ADR Provider. This test will also be used to assess this role. In order to do so, you'll need to follow the instructions from this test case :


The Patient Audit Record Repository actor is also expected to act as an AuthorizationDecision Consumer. This test will also be used to assess this role for error case. In order to validate the conformity of your system in this role, you'll need to follow the instructions from this test case :



The System Under Test (SUT) is the Patient Audit Record Repository.
This test covers the ITI-81 : Retrieve ATNA Audit Event transaction in nominal cases.

- Before anything, configure your system to be able to test its role as an ADR Consumer and X-Service User.

The requests will be sent to your SUT from Gazelle Webservice Tester. To execute this test:

  1. Access Gazelle Webservice Tester and log into the application;
  2. Go to menu "Run";
  3. Select the test project name EPR CH:ATC Patient Audit Consumer from the drop-down list;
  4. Select test suite NormalCases by ticking the checkbox in front of its name;
  5. Enter the URL of your system under test endpoint (shall be a secured endpoint)
  6. Click on "Run" button
  7. Wait for the script to complete its execution;
  8. When the script stops, copy the permanent link of the execution to the test step in Gazelle Test Management.

The conformance of the responses sent back by your system shall be assessed. In Gazelle Webservice Tester, for the steps not marked as [INTERNAL], validate the message in EVSClient. To do so:

  1. Click on the play icon next to the response type;
  2. You have been redirected to EVSClient; In the dropdown list, select the validator:  CH:ATC (R4) in the EPR group and hit the "Go" button;
  3. You have been redirected to the "Validate FHIR resources and requests" page, select the "[ITI-81] Retrieve ATNA Audit Event" item in the list and click on "Validate";
  4. When the validation report shows up, a pop-up raises for returning the validation report to GWT, click on "OK";


The global status of the Gazelle Webservice Tester execution shall report a Success.

Each of the ITI-81 responses returned by the SUT must be validated with EVSClient and the validation result must be Passed.

The monitor will check that you copied the link to this test instance to the corresponding test step of the test case in XUA_X-SERVICE-USER_ITI-40.

The monitor will also check that you copied the link to the EVS Client validations for one ADR Authorization Decision query to the corresponding test step of CHADR_FOR_CONSUMER

Test Roles

# to realize
Card Min
Card Max
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile CH:ATC-Audit Trail ConsumptionActor PAT_AUDIT_CONS-Patient Audit ConsumerNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile IUA-Internet User AuthorizationActor AUTH_CLIENT-Authorization ClientSAML_TOKENfalse
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile XUA-Cross Enterprise User AssertionActor X-SERV-USR-X-Service UserNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile CH:ADR-Authorization Decision RequestActor AUTH_DECI_CONS-Authorization Decision ConsumerNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile IUA-Internet User AuthorizationActor RESOURCE_SERVER-Resource ServerNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile CH:ATC-Audit Trail ConsumptionActor PAT_ARR-Patient Audit Record RepositoryNONEtrue
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile XUA-Cross Enterprise User AssertionActor X-SERV-PROV-X-Service ProviderNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile CH:ADR-Authorization Decision RequestActor AUTH_DECI_PROV-Authorization Decision ProviderNONEfalse

Test Steps

Step Index
Initiator Role
Responder Role
Message Type
5PAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORPAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORNoneRequired[OTHER_ACTION] : The system is configurated to be able to register its audit messages.
7PAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORPAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORNoneRequired[OTHER_ACTION] The Document Registry is configured to communicate properly with the ADR provider simulator.
10PAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORPAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORNoneRequired[OTHER-ACTION] Access Gazelle Webservice Tester, go to the "Run" menu, select the "EPR CH:ATC Patient Audit Consumer" project and check the "NormalCases" test suite. Configure the endpoint of your audit record repository and click "Run"
20PAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORPAT-ARR_CH-ATC_WITH-XUAITI-81SearchRequired[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] The tool will issue a series of Audit Message Retrieve transactions using the various parameters defined in this transaction. Your system is expected to return the corresponding AuditEvent resources gathered in a Bundle. Once the execution is over, you access the execution result in Gazelle Webservice Tester. Please validate responses from your SUT and paste the link to the Gazelle Webservice Tester execution in this step.
25PAT-ARR_CH-ATC_WITH-XUACH_ADR_PROVIDER_SIMULATORITI-40SAML AssertionRequired[TRANSACTION] : An ITI-40 is sent in parallel to each ADR Authorization Decision request from the SUT to the ADR Decision Provider
30PAT-ARR_CH-ATC_WITH-XUACH_ADR_PROVIDER_SIMULATORAUTH_DECISION_REQUESTXACMLAuthzDecisionQueryRequired[TRANSACTION] : Several Authz Decision Queries have been performed to retrieve an access decision for the ITI-81 test suite.
50PAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORPAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORNoneRequired[EVIDENCE] : The SUT operator proves that a link to this test instance has been added to the XUA_X-SERVICE-USER_ITI-40 test case.
60PAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORPAT-AUDIT-CONS_CH-ATC_SIMULATORNoneRequired[EVIDENCE] : The SUT operator proves that a link to EVS Client validation for an ADR query has been added to the CHADR_FOR_CONSUMER test case.

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    Copyright IHE 2025
  • Gazelle 7.1.7
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