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Test Summary

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Is external tool ?
Is Orchestrable
is Validated ?
Peer Type
No Peer
Short Description
The Responder accepts requests for updates to DocumentEntry metadata objects send by a simulated Update Initiator.
Last changed
1/26/24 7:29:13 AM

Test Description in English

Special Instructions

In this case we will test the Restricted Update Document [ITI-92] transaction, with a simulator acting as the RMU Update Initiator actor. Your system will receive multiple documents that will be then updated.

As a pre-requisite : Your system needs to be properly integrated with Gazelle ADR Provider simulator. To do so use :
Gazelle ADR Provider service => (URL secured with mutual authentication, not displayable in a web browser)
Simulator documentation =>

The Document Registry actor is expected to act as a X-Service provider. This test will also be used to assess this role.
In order to do so, you'll need to follow the instructions from this test case :


Moreover, the Document Registry actor is expected to act as a X-Service user when sending an AuthorizationDecision query to an ADR Provider.
This test will also be used to assess this role. In order to do so, you'll need to follow the instructions from this test case :


In addition, the Document Registry actor is also expected to act as an AuthorizationDecision Consumer. This test will also be used to assess this role.
In order to validate the conformity of your system in this role, you'll need to follow the instructions from this test case :


You'll also need to configure your RMU Update Responder actor to work with the following patient :

nameID : 761337610411265304

In order to test your system capacity to accept updates for deprecated document, you will also need to be able to receive ITI-57 transactions (XDS-MU).


Before anything, configure your system to be able to test its role as X-Service Provider, X-Service User and ADR Consumer.

In this test, we will execute three DocumentEntry Metadata update. In particular, we will update the parameter ConfidentialityCode of both an Approved and Deprecated document entry. In addition, we will also issue a deletion request for a deprecated document.

The test suite will first initialize documents in your XDS Document Repository, verify that the upload was successful (both the ITI-41 and ITI-42 transactions).

Then it might send an ITI-57 to deprecate this document entry (depending on the test suite), and afterward, an ITI-92 request with a modification to the document metadata will be sent to your system.

Finally, an ITI-18 request for the updated version of the document metadata will be send to the SUT. In the case of the deletion request, your system is expect to not return any metadata.

The requests will be sent to your SUT from Gazelle Webservice Tester. To execute this test:

  1. Access Gazelle Webservice Tester and log into the application;
  2. Go to the menu "Run";
  3. Select the test project name EPR Restricted Metadata Update from the drop-down list;
  4. Select test suite RMU - Document Initialization & Update by ticking the checkbox in front of its name;
  5. Fill-in the informations corresponding to your system
  6. Click on "Run" button
  7. Wait for the script to complete its execution;
  8. When the script stops, copy the permanent link of the execution to the test step in Gazelle Test Management
  9. Execute steps 2 to 8 using the test suite RMU - Deprecated Document update and deletion this time

The conformance of the responses sent back by your system shall be assessed. In Gazelle Webservice Tester, validate the ITI-92 responses in EVSClient. To do so:

  1. Go to the "Resume" tab then search for below transactions :
    - RMU - Document Initialization & Update / Initialization & Update / ITI-92 Restricted Metadata Update
    - RMU - Deprecated Document update and deletion / Deprecated document deletion / ITI-92 - Restricted Metadata Update - Deletion Request
  1. Click on "Validation response"
  2. You have been redirected to EVSClient, select validator XDS-CH and the validator CH XDS.b ITI-92 Restricted Update Document Set - response and hit the "Go" button;
  3. Once the page of the validator opens, select the appropriate entry in the drop-down list and click on "Validate";
  4. When the validation report shows up, a pop-up raises for returning the validation report to GWT, click on "OK"


The monitor will check that you copied the link to this test instance to the corresponding test step of the test case XUA_X-SERVICE-PROV_ITI-40 AND XUA_X-SERVICE-USER_ITI-40.

The monitor will also check that you copied the link to the EVS Client validations for your ADR Authorization Decision queries to the corresponding test step of the test case CHADR_FOR_CONSUMER (one case is enough for the check)

The status of the transactions on GWT must be "Passed".

The validations on EVS Client must return "Passed".

Test Roles

# to realize
Card Min
Card Max
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile XUA-Cross Enterprise User AssertionActor X-SERV-USR-X-Service UserNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile RMU-Restricted Metadata UpdateActor UPDATE_INIT-Update InitiatorNONEfalse
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile XUA-Cross Enterprise User AssertionActor X-SERV-PROV-X-Service ProviderNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile XUA-Cross Enterprise User AssertionActor X-SERV-USR-X-Service UserNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile CH:ADR-Authorization Decision RequestActor AUTH_DECI_CONS-Authorization Decision ConsumerNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile RMU-Restricted Metadata UpdateActor UPDATE_RESP-Update ResponderNONEtrue
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile XUA-Cross Enterprise User AssertionActor X-SERV-PROV-X-Service ProviderNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile CH:ADR-Authorization Decision RequestActor AUTH_DECI_PROV-Authorization Decision ProviderNONEfalse

Test Steps

Step Index
Initiator Role
Responder Role
Message Type
2RMU_Update_Initiator_SimuRMU_Update_Initiator_SimuNoneRequired[OTHER_ACTION] : The system is configurated to be able to register its audit messages.
3RMU_Update_Initiator_SimuRMU_Update_Initiator_SimuNoneRequired[OTHER_ACTION] The Document Registry is configured to communicate properly with the ADR provider simulator.
10RMU_Update_Initiator_SimuRMU_UPDATE_RESPONDER-WITH_XUAITI-92SubmitObjectsRequestRequired[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] Execute the corresponding project in GWT for the update of Approved documents. Validate your response to the ITI-92 request and copy the permanent link to the messages in this step.
18RMU_UPDATE_RESPONDER-WITH_XUACH_ADR_PROVIDER_SIMULATORITI-40Provide X-User AssertionRequired[TRANSACTION] : An ITI-40 is sent in parallel to the ADR Authorization Decision request from the SUT to the ADR Decision Provider
20RMU_UPDATE_RESPONDER-WITH_XUACH_ADR_PROVIDER_SIMULATORAUTH_DECISION_REQUESTXACMLAuthzDecisionQueryRequired[TRANSACTION] : An ADR authorization decision request is sent to an ADR provider simulator to retrieve an access decision
22RMU_Update_Initiator_SimuRMU_UPDATE_RESPONDER-WITH_XUAITI-92SubmitObjectsRequestRequired[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] Execute the corresponding project in GWT for the update of deprecated documents. Validate your response to the ITI-92 request and copy the permanent link to the messages in this step.
24RMU_UPDATE_RESPONDER-WITH_XUACH_ADR_PROVIDER_SIMULATORITI-40Provide X-User AssertionRequired[TRANSACTION] : An ITI-40 is sent in parallel to the ADR Authorization Decision request from the SUT to the ADR Decision Provider
26RMU_UPDATE_RESPONDER-WITH_XUACH_ADR_PROVIDER_SIMULATORAUTH_DECISION_REQUESTXACMLAuthzDecisionQueryRequired[TRANSACTION] : An ADR authorization decision request is sent to an ADR provider simulator to retrieve an access decision
30RMU_Update_Initiator_SimuRMU_Update_Initiator_SimuNoneRequired[EVIDENCE] : The SUT proves that a link to this test instance has been added to both the XUA_X-SERVICE-PROV_ITI-40 test case and the XUA_X-SERVICE-USER_ITI-40 test case.
40RMU_Update_Initiator_SimuRMU_Update_Initiator_SimuNoneRequired[EVIDENCE] : The SUT proves that a link to one EVS Client validations has been added to the CHADR_FOR_CONSUMER test case.

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    Copyright IHE 2024
  • Gazelle 7.1.7
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