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Test Summary

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is Validated ?
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Test validated by
Short Description
This test is to verify the SUT capacity to register a document and its metadata through an ITI-41 transaction with a XDS document repository.
Last changed
1/26/24 7:28:22 AM

Test Description in English

Special Instructions

In this case we will test the Provide and Registry Document Set-b (ITI-41) transaction with a simulator as both the Document Repository and Document Registry.

To perform this test, you’ll need to download the files “SubmissionDoc.txt”,“SubmissionDocOne.txt” and “SubmissionDocTwo.txt” from :

The data you'll use for the transactions are :

patient : Nilesh WITTWER-CHRISTEN (EPR-SPID : 761337610411265304^^^SPID&2.16.756.
Repository Unique ID : 1.1.4567332.1.70
Requests endpoint :

ITI-41 must be grouped with an ITI-40. Before each request you must :

  1. Use the Identity Provider Simulator to do an Authenticate User transaction (Use the HCP aandrews)
  2. Then do an Get X-User Assertion to the Assertion Provider Simulator (
  3. Use the SAML Assertion in your ITI-41 request
  4. This part is checked in the test case  XUA_X-SERVICE-USER_ITI-40. You must create a test instance of this and paste the link in the step 5. 

The value of the other metadatas is not important as long as the various codes, codeSystem and formats respect the IHE and swiss XDS specifications.

Please note that :

For each ITI-41 transaction, an ADR request is performed by the registry simulator to an ADR provider simulator to retrieve an access decision according to the confidentiality level (normal, restricted and secret).
This decision is based on the policy set prealably defined by the patient in the Policy Repository.
The Document Registry shall allow the document to be registered according to the rights given to the HCP in response to the ITI-41 request.
The datas given to you (assertion, PID, ...) are known from both the document registry and ADR simulator and should return the datas and documents requested.

Important : TLS is mandatory to every request in the XDS profile, as a consequence every endpoint have to use HTTPS.


1 - First, send the file “SubmissionDoc.txt” in a first request.
2 - (Optional) Then send the two files “SubmissionDocOne.txt” and “SubmissionDocTwo.txt” in a second request.

Take note of the time at which you initiated your transaction, it will be helpful for the next steps.

- Once your requests has been executed, you'll need to recover their logs from XDSTools :

  • Go to XDSTools7 home page
  • At the top of the page, set the Environment to ehealthsuisse and the Test Session to epr-testing from the drop-down lists
  • At the left side of the page, click on the "New Simulator Logs" option (in the "Toolkit" section)
  • Select the simulator that participated in your transaction (here it'sepr-testing__for_doc_source_testing)
  • In the Message menu, pick the logs corresponding to your transaction using your IP and transaction time
  • From the Request Body tab, copy the Enveloppe of your request in an xml file

- Now to validate all your requests with the validation tool EVSClient :
  • In EVSClient, choose on the menu EPR > XD-CH > Validate
  • Upload your XML message. Then, in Model Based Validation select: CH XDS.b ITI-41 PnR Set-b - request (CH codes) to validate your request
  • Copy the permanent link to your validation in the corresponding test step

The monitor also needs a proof that the registry and the repository successfully stored your documents. Provides a screenshot of the logs in XDSTools showing the status of the response.


The validation of your requests in EVS Client must return Passed.
The response to your request must be Success (provide a screenshot of your system).

Test Roles

# to realize
Card Min
Card Max
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile XDS.b-Cross-Enterprise Document SharingActor DOC_REPOSITORY-Document RepositoryNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile XUA-Cross Enterprise User AssertionActor X-SERV-PROV-X-Service ProviderNONEfalse
IntegrationProfile XUA-Cross Enterprise User AssertionActor X-SERV-USR-X-Service UserNONEfalse
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile XDS.b-Cross-Enterprise Document SharingActor DOC_SOURCE-Document SourceNONEtrue
IntegrationProfile XUA-Cross Enterprise User AssertionActor X-SERV-USR-X-Service UserNONEfalse

Test Steps

Step Index
Initiator Role
Responder Role
Message Type
1EPR_XDS.b_DOC_SOURCE-WITH_XUAEPR_XDS.b_DOC_SOURCE-WITH_XUA-Required[INSTRUCTION] Configure your system to contact Identity Provider Simulator to authenticate user aandrews (HCP) and to contact the Assertion Provider Simulator to get an assertion for this user
5EPR_XDS.b_DOC_SOURCE-WITH_XUAEPR_XDS.b_DOC_REPOSITORY_SIMUITI-40Provide assertionRequired[TRANSACTION] Each ITI-41 transaction shall be supported by a ITI-40 Provider X-User Assertion transaction. That means that we want your system to demonstrate its capability to enclose the SAML token with the SOAP header of the ITI-41 request.
10EPR_XDS.b_DOC_SOURCE-WITH_XUAEPR_XDS.b_DOC_REPOSITORY_SIMUITI-41ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet-bRequired[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] : The SUT send an ITI-41 request to register the first document to the repository simulator.
20EPR_XDS.b_DOC_SOURCE-WITH_XUAEPR_XDS.b_DOC_REPOSITORY_SIMUITI-41ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet-bOptional[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] : The SUT send an ITI-41 request to register the two other documents to the repository simulator.
30EPR_XDS.b_DOC_SOURCE-WITH_XUAEPR_XDS.b_DOC_SOURCE-WITH_XUANoneRequired[OTHER_ACTION] : Retrieve the log of your request in XML format. [EVIDENCE] : Paste the EVS permanent link for the validation of your requests
40EPR_XDS.b_DOC_SOURCE-WITH_XUAEPR_XDS.b_DOC_SOURCE-WITH_XUANoneRequired[EVIDENCE] : The SUT proves that a link to this test instance has been added to the XUA_X-SERVICE-USER_ITI-40 test case.

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  • Gazelle 7.1.7
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