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Test : CH:PIXm_Update/Merge & Query

Test Summary

CH:PIXm_Update/Merge & Query
CH:PIXm_Update/Merge & Query
Bern 2024
Test Author
Last modifier
Is external tool ?
Is Orchestrable
is Validated ?
Peer Type
Peer To Peer
Short Description
This test case follows CH:PIXm_Create & Query. Patient Identity Source performs an update and a merge using ITI-104 Mobile Patient Identity Feed. The PIX Consumer queries the PIX Manager with an ITI-83 transaction.
Last changed
9/2/24 4:43:11 PM

Test Description in English

Special Instructions

The test CHPIX_CHPDQ_SERVER_CONF_PAT must be run by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager before this one can be performed.

As well, as this a FHIR-based test, the test FHIR_Capability_Statement_CONF must be run by both actors prior to this test (if it has not already been performed).

[Special warning]: To perform this test case, both actors shall first pass the CH:PIXm_Create & Query test case in order to fill in the necessary patients in the database.

TLS SHALL be used.


In this test, patients are updated and merged using the [ITI-104] Patient Identity Feed FHIR transaction, sent from the Patient Identity Source to the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager.

After each of these transactions, the Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Consumer actor performs a Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-reference Query [ITI-83] to the search for Patient Resources from the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager.

All the exchanged messages need to be validated either using validators in EVSClient or checked directly by a monitor. Below, you can find details on how the validation needs to be performed, depending on the message :

How to validate the Patient Identity Feed [ITI-104] request in EVSClient:

  • Access the Gazelle EVSClient application: EVSClient
  • From the EVS Client user interface, select menu EPR >CH EPR FHIR  >Validate
  • Select the validator named CH:PIXm Patient Feed
  • Click on Validate.

How to validate the Patient Identity Feed [ITI-83] request in EVSClient:

  • Access the Gazelle EVSClient application: EVSClient
  • If you're using a GET request: select menu EPR > HTTP Validation >Validate and choose the corresponding validation profile
  • If you're using a POST request: select menu EPR > CH EPR FHIR >Validate and choose the corresponding validation profile
  • Click on Validate.

How to validate the Patient Identity Feed [ITI-83] response in EVSClient:

  • Access the Gazelle EVSClient application: EVSClient
  • Select menu EPR > CH EPR FHIR >Validate and choose the corresponding validation profile
  • Click on Validate.


-- Test Steps 20 and 50:  Each of these steps is describing an [ITI-104] Patient Identity Feed FHIR transaction.

This test requires the validation of messages from the Patient Identity Source and a check of the returned code from the Patient Identifier X Reference Manager.

For the requests, validation report permanent links shall be attached to its respective step of this test instance. For the responses, a screenshot shall be attached to its respective step and manually checked by the monitor.

-- Test Steps 30 and 60:  Each of these steps is describing an [ITI-83] PIXm Query transaction.

This test requires the validation of messages from both actors.

For the requests and the responses, validation report permanent links shall be attached to its respective step and manually checked by the monitor.

Validation of the Patient Identity Feed FHIR [ITI-104] request :

The validation report shall be PASSED. If the patient is already registered in a community, the MPI-PID SHALL be provided as an identifier. Its religion MUST not be added.

Validation of the Patient Identity Feed FHIR [ITI-104] response :
The validation report shall be PASSED. If the MPI-PID is provided as an identifier the PIXm Manager SHALL use the MPI-PID to correlate the patient in the community.

The HTTP status code shall be 200.

The monitor has to verify that, if the MPI-PID is provided as an identifier in the request, the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager uses this MPI-PID to correlate the patient in the community.

Validation of the PIXm Query [ITI-83] request :
The validation report shall be PASSED.

The HTTP GET request shall have one of this format :

  • an URL with the following structure : GET [base]/Patient/$ihe-pix?sourceIdentifier=[token]{&targetSystem=[uri]}{&_format=[token]}.
  • a FHIR Parameters ressource compliant with specifications

The monitor has to verify the following parameters in the request :

  • it SHALL contain a sourceIdentifier input parameter
  • it SHALL contain one or two targetSystem input parameter(s). It SHALL be restricted to the Assigning authority of the community and/or the EPR-SPID.
  • it MAY contain a _format input parameter.

Validation of the PIXm Query [ITI-83] response :

The validation report shall be PASSED.
The monitor has to verify the following parameters in the request :

  • it MAY contain one or two targetIdentifier input parameter(s)
  • it MAY contain a targetId input parameter.

If the targetSystem is not restricted to the Assigning authority of the community and/or the EPR-SPID the error Target Domain not recognized ( SHALL be returned.

Do not hesitate to observe lively the transactions performed and their outcome in the system's database.

Test Roles

# to realize
Card Min
Card Max
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile PIXm-Patient Identifier Cross-reference for MobileActor PAT_ID_X_REF_MGR-Patient Identity Cross-reference ManagerNONEtrue
IntegrationProfile CH:PIXm-Swiss Patient Identifier Cross-reference for MobileActor PAT_ID_X_REF_MGR-Patient Identity Cross-reference ManagerNONEtrue
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile CH:PIXm-Swiss Patient Identifier Cross-reference for MobileActor PAT_ID_SRC-Patient Identity SourceNONEtrue
Integration profileActorOptionIs tested ?
IntegrationProfile CH:PIXm-Swiss Patient Identifier Cross-reference for MobileActor PAT_ID_X_REF_CONS-Patient Identifier Cross-reference ConsumerNONEtrue

Test Steps

Step Index
Initiator Role
Responder Role
Message Type
10PAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_SOURCE-CHPIXmPAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_SOURCE-CHPIXmInstructionsRequiredUPDATE PATIENT - CHANGE PATIENT BIRTHDATE : In the following steps, the Patient Identity Source will update the Patient Resource for Patient Andrea Juliana Erne Cehic to change its birth date from 1938-05-12 to 1935-08-03.
20PAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_SOURCE-CHPIXmPAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_MANAGER-CHPIXmITI-104HTTP PUTRequired[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] The Patient Identity Source updates the Patient Andrea Juliana Erne Cehic created in CH:PIXm_Create & Query test case. The birthdate changes from 1938-05-12 to 1935-08-03. HTTP method is PUT for this Patient Resource. VALIDATION : Validate the request from the Patient Identity Source in EVSClient. The response from the Patient Identity Manager needs to be verified by the monitor (check the Description section for further information). Attach to this step the permanent link of the request validation in EVSClient and a file with the content of the response from the Patient Identity Manager.
30PAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_CONSUMER-CHPIXmPAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_MANAGER-CHPIXmITI-83HTTP GETRequired[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] PIX Consumer queries the Patient Identity Manager for the previously updated patient. VALIDATION : The request and the response need to be verified by the monitor (check the Description section for further information). Attach to this step files with the content of the request and the response.
40PAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_SOURCE-CHPIXmPAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_SOURCE-CHPIXmInstructionsRequired2 patients named Andrea Juliana Erne Cehic are now in fact the same patient with several differences on the location information and they shall be merged in the following steps.
50PAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_SOURCE-CHPIXmPAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_MANAGER-CHPIXmITI-104HTTP PUTRequiredIn this step, the Patient Identity Source merges patient Andrea Juliana Erne Cehic living in Schänis with patient Andrea Juliana Erne Cehic living in Rapperswil-Jona. Patient Andrea Juliana Erne Cehic living in Rapperswil-Jona is the surviving patient. VALIDATION : Validate the request from the Patient Identity Source in EVSClient. The response from the Patient Identity Manager needs to be verified by the monitor (check the Description section for further information). Attach to this step the permanent link of the request validation in EVSClient and a file with the content of the response from the Patient Identity Manager.
60PAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_CONSUMER-CHPIXmPAT_IDENTIFIER_X_REF_MANAGER-CHPIXmITI-83HTTP GETRequired[TRANSACTION][EVIDENCE] PIX Consumer queries the Patient Identity Manager for patient Andrea Juliana Erne Cehic living in Schänis. An Error 404 response is expected VALIDATION : The request and the response need to be verified by the monitor (check the Description section for further information). Attach to this step files with the content of the request and the response.

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    Copyright IHE 2024
  • Gazelle 7.1.7
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