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Integration Profile: Restricted Metadata Update

Integration Profile Information

Id: 378

Keyword: RMU

Name: Restricted Metadata Update

Description: The Restricted Metadata Update (RMU) Profile provides a mechanism for changing Document Sharing metadata both within and across community boundaries in a controlled manner.

Status: Trial Implementation

Document Section:


1333 UPDATE_INIT Update Initiator The Update Initiator creates requests for updating metadata previously stored either within or outside the Document Sharing community.
1334 UPDATE_RESP Update Responder The Update Responders accepts a Restricted Update Document Set [ITI-X1] transaction from an Update Initiator. If the Update Responder services the target community for the request, the Update Responder will persist the request. Otherwise, the Update Responder may optionally forward the request to destination community for processing.
2505 UPDATE_INIT - Update InitiatorITI-92 - Restricted Update Document Set Required
2506 UPDATE_RESP - Update ResponderITI-92 - Restricted Update Document Set Required
Assertion Id
ITI-001 Restricted Update Document Set [ITI-92] is used by the Update Initiator and Update Responder (See Section 3.92 Restricted Update Document Set)
ITI-002 The Restricted Update Document Set Request message shall use SOAP 1.2 and Simple SOAP (See Section Message Semantics)
ITI-003 Implementers of this transaction shall comply with all requirements described in ITI TF-2x: Appendix V.3: Synchronous and Asynchronous Web Services (see Section Message Semantics)
ITI-004 The Update Initiator shall ensure that all metadata attributes are consistent with the requirements specified in ITI TF-3 (see Section Content)
ITI-005 The Update Responder shall use Metadata Annotations when processing the request for storage (see Section Metadata Annotations)
ITI-006 The default value for Association Propagation is "yes" (See Section Association Propagation)
ITI-007 The Update Responder shall return the status and any error codes incurred during the processing of the request in its response message (See Section Expected Actions)
ITI-008 If the value is not known, the Update Responder shall return the error code, XDSUnknownCommunity (See Section Forward Update Option)
ITI-009 If the value is omitted, the Update Responder shall return the error code, XDSMissingHomeCommunityId (See Section Forward Update Option)
ITI-010 The current version of the stored logical metadata object shall always have an availabilityStatus equal to urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:StatusType:Approved and prior versions shall have their availabilityStatus attribute set tourn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:StatusType:Deprecated (see Section Storage Requirements)
ITI-011 Unless a more specific code is provided within the validation, the Update Responder shall return the error code, XDSMetadataUpdateError, for any error returned during processing (See Section Request Validation)
ITI-012 The system shall contain an existing DocumentEntry (Stable or On-Demand) metadata object instance with status of urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:StatusType:Approved (See Section Request Validation)
ITI-013 The SS-DE HasMember Association shall be present and have a Slot with name PreviousVersion (See Section Request Validation)
ITI-014 The submitted and existing DocumentEntry objects shall have the same values for both the logicalID ans uniqueID attribute (See Section Request Validation)
ITI-015 The submitted and existing DocumentEntry objects shall have the same values for the patientID attributes (see Section Request Validation)
ITI-016 All metadata objects must conform to the rules for content and format defined in ITI TF-3: 4.2 and 4.3. Stable Document Entry object metadata must confirm to the requirements defined in ITI TF-2b: 3.42 for the Register Document Set-b [ITI-42] transaction (see Section Request Validation)
ITI-017 On-Demand Document Entry objects must conform to the requirements defined in ITI TF-2b: 3.61 for the Register On-Demand Document Entry [ITI-61] transaction (see Section Request Validation)
ITI-018 The Restricted Update Document Set Response message shall use SOAP 1.2 and Simple SOAP (see Section Message Semantics)
ITI-019 Implementers of this transaction shall comply with all requirements described in ITI TF-2x: Appendix V.3: Synchronous and Asynchronous Web Services (see Section Message Semantics)
RMU-001 Actors must implement ITI-92 transaction.


2 ITI IT-Infrastructure The IT Infrastructure Domain supplies infrastructure for sharing healthcare information. An infrastructure interoperability component represents a common IT function that is used as a building block for a variety of use cases... a necessary ingredient, but rarely visible to the end user!! These components may be embedded in an application, but are often deployed as a shared resource within a RHIO or Health Information Exchange.

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  • Gazelle 7.1.7
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