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Integration Profile: Sharing Value Sets

Integration Profile Information

Id: 79

Keyword: SVS

Name: Sharing Value Sets

Description: The Sharing Value Sets (SVS) profile provides a means through which healthcare systems producing clinical or administrative data, such as diagnostic imaging equipment, laboratory reporting systems, primary care physician office EMR systems, or national healthcare record systems, can receive a common, uniform nomenclature managed centrally. Shared nomenclatures are essential to achieving semantic interoperability.

Status: Final Text

Document Section:


107 VALUE_SET_REPOSITORY Value Set Repository Provides Expanded Value Sets
108 VALUE_SET_CONSUMER Value Set Consumer Retrieves Expanded Value Sets based on its OID and possibly its version if the latter is available.
Assertion Id
ITI48-021 The following types shall be imported (xsd:import) in the /definitions/types section: namespace="urn:ihe:iti:svs:2008", schema="SVS.xsd".
ITI60-001 An id is required in the value set attributes.
ITI60-002 A displayName is required in the value set attributes.
ITI60-003 A source is required in the value set attributes.
ITI60-004 A version is required in the value set attributes.
ITI60-005 A status is required in the value set attributes.
ITI60-006 A type is required in the value set attributes.
ITI60-007 The Value Set Repository shall perform matching in accordance with the rules in Table
ITI60-008 Any value set that matches all of the request parameters shall be included in the response.
ITI60-009 The response shall be a Retrieve Multiple Value Sets Response as specified in the XML schema defining RetrieveMultipleValueSetsResponse which can be accessed on the IHE FTP site, see 9475 ITI TF-2x: Appendix W.
ITI60-010 he RetrieveMultipleValueSetsResponse element shall have one DescribedValueSet element for each matching value set found. If no matching elements are found, it shall be empty.
ITI60-011 Value Set Consumers which support the SOAP Binding Option shall follow the rules for Web Services transactions outlined in ITI TF-2x: Appendix V.
ITI60-012 The following types shall be imported (xsd:import) in the /definitions/types section: namespace="urn:ihe:iti:svs:2008", schema="SVS.xsd".
ITI60-013 The /definitions/message/part/@element attribute of the Retrieve Value SetRequest message shall be defined as ihe:RetrieveMultipleValueSetsRequest.
ITI60-014 The /definitions/message/part/@element attribute of the Retrieve Value Set Response message shall be defined as ihe:RetrieveMultipleValueSetsResponse.
ITI60-015 The /definitions/portType/operation/input/@wsaw:Action attribute for the Retrieve Multiple Value Sets Request message shall be defined as urn:ihe:iti:2010:RetrieveMultipleValueSets.
ITI60-016 The /definitions/portType/operation/output/@wsaw:Action attribute for the Retrieve Value Set Response message shall be defined as urn:ihe:iti:2010:RetrieveMultipleValueSetsResponse.
ITI60-017 The /definitions/binding/operation/soap12:operation/@soapActionRequired attribute shall be defined as false.
ITI60-018 The Value Set ID of ihe:RetrieveMultipleValueSetsRequest@id element shall be formatted as an ISO OID.
ITI60-019 Value Set Repositories shall include within the response message payload for the SOAP Binding Option the <ihe:RetrieveMultipleValueSetsResponse/> element which is 9620 described above in Section


2 ITI IT-Infrastructure The IT Infrastructure Domain supplies infrastructure for sharing healthcare information. An infrastructure interoperability component represents a common IT function that is used as a building block for a variety of use cases... a necessary ingredient, but rarely visible to the end user!! These components may be embedded in an application, but are often deployed as a shared resource within a RHIO or Health Information Exchange.

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