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Integration Profile: Consistent Time

Integration Profile Information

Id: 47

Keyword: CT

Name: Consistent Time

Description: Consistent Time Profile defines mechanisms to synchronize the time base between multiple actors and computers. Various infrastructure, security, and acquisition profiles require use of a consistent time base on multiple computers. The Consistent Time Profile provides median synchronization error of less than 1 second. Configuration options can provide better synchronization. The Consistent Time profile specifies the use of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) defined in RFC 1305.

Status: Final Text

11 TS Time Server A system unit that knows, maintains and distributes the correct time in the enterprise.
28 TIME_CLIENT Time Client Establishes time synchronization with one or more Time Servers using the NTP protocol and either the NTP or SNTP algorithms. Maintains the local computer system clock synchronization with UTC based on synchronization with the Time Servers.
96 TS - Time ServerITI-1 - Maintain Time Required
97 TIME_CLIENT - Time ClientITI-1 - Maintain Time Required
Integration Profile Option
131TS - Time ServerSECURED_SNTP - Secure NTP.0
132TIME_CLIENT - Time ClientSNTP - SNTP.0
133TIME_CLIENT - Time ClientSECURED_SNTP - Secure NTP.0
679TS - Time ServerNONE - None2
680TIME_CLIENT - Time ClientNONE - None5
Assertion Id
CT-1 When the Time Server is grouped with a Time Client to obtain time from a higher tier Time Server, the Time Client shall utilize NTP
CT-2 For some Time Clients that are not grouped with a Time Server, SNTP may be usable.
CT-3 Time Server actor which claims support for the Consistent Time (CT) integration profile shall perform the Maintain Time [ITI-1] transaction
CT-4 Time Client actor which claims support for the Consistent Time (CT) integration profile shall perform the Maintain Time [ITI-1] transaction
CT-5 Time Server actor may implement the Secured NT option
CT-6 Time Client actor may implement the SNTP option
CT-7 Time Client may implement the Secured NTP option


2 ITI IT-Infrastructure The IT Infrastructure Domain supplies infrastructure for sharing healthcare information. An infrastructure interoperability component represents a common IT function that is used as a building block for a variety of use cases... a necessary ingredient, but rarely visible to the end user!! These components may be embedded in an application, but are often deployed as a shared resource within a RHIO or Health Information Exchange.

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  • Gazelle 7.1.7
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