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Actor : X-Service Provider

Actor Details Last changed 7/23/21 11:25:47 AM by aeschlimann

X-Service Provider
X-Service Provider
121 C19 HITSP Entity Identity Assertion Component US HITSP: C19 Entity Identity Assertion Component. The Entity Identity Assertion Component provides the mechanisms to ensure that an entity is the person or application that claims the identity provided. An example of this Component is the validation and assertion of a consumer logging on to a Personal Health Record (PHR) system. HITSP Construct
385 CH:XUA Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss Extension Trial Implementation
360 CH:XUA Deprecated Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss Extension (deprecated) Deprecated the 16/01/2019 after the implementation of the new CH:XUA profile (from Ergänzung 1 zu Anhang 5 version 1.4 to 1.6) Deprecated
50 XUA Cross Enterprise User Assertion provides user identity in transactions that cross enterprise boundaries, specifically the XDS profile that creates an Affinity Domain. When transactions cross enterprise boundaries the mechanisms found in the EUA and PWP profile are insufficient and often nonfunctional. Enterprises may choose to have their own user directory and their own unique method of authenticating. To provide accountability in these cross enterprise transactions there is a need to identify the requesting user in a way that the receiver can make access decisions and proper audit entries. Final Text
Integration profile
Integration Profile Option
TF Reference
C19 - HITSP Entity Identity Assertion ComponentNONE - None
CH:XUA - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss ExtensionNONE - None
CH:XUA - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss ExtensionSUBJECT_ROLE - Subject-RoleITI-TF-2b: and ITI-TF-2b:
CH:XUA - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss ExtensionPURPOSE_OF_USE - PurposeOfUseITI-TF-2b: and ITI-TF-2b:
CH:XUA - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss ExtensionAUTHZ_CONSENT - Authz-ConsentITI-TF-2b: and ITI-TF-2b:
CH:XUA Deprecated - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss Extension (deprecated)NONE - None
CH:XUA Deprecated - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss Extension (deprecated)SUBJECT_ROLE - Subject-RoleITI-TF-2b: and ITI-TF-2b:
CH:XUA Deprecated - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss Extension (deprecated)PURPOSE_OF_USE - PurposeOfUseITI-TF-2b: and ITI-TF-2b:
CH:XUA Deprecated - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss Extension (deprecated)AUTHZ_CONSENT - Authz-ConsentITI-TF-2b: and ITI-TF-2b:
XUA - Cross Enterprise User AssertionNONE - None
XUA - Cross Enterprise User AssertionSUBJECT_ROLE - Subject-RoleITI-TF-2b: and ITI-TF-2b:
XUA - Cross Enterprise User AssertionPURPOSE_OF_USE - PurposeOfUseITI-TF-2b: and ITI-TF-2b:
XUA - Cross Enterprise User AssertionAUTHZ_CONSENT - Authz-ConsentITI-TF-2b: and ITI-TF-2b:
Integration profile
2516CH:XUA - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss ExtensionITI-40 - Provide X-User AssertionRequired
2408CH:XUA Deprecated - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion Swiss Extension (deprecated)ITI-40 - Provide X-User AssertionRequired
693XUA - Cross Enterprise User AssertionITI-40 - Provide X-User AssertionRequired
TF Reference
135 ITI-40 Provide X-User Assertion Provide X-User Assertion Final Text
Assertion Id
CH-XUA-029 X-Service Provider actor MUST be grouped with the actor «Authorization Decision Provider» as defined in the CH:ADR integration profile (see Table 4: Required groupings of actors defined in this national extension)

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