ps_gui -[#black]> ps_doc_consumer activate ps_doc_consumer ps_doc_consumer -> cc_doc_registry: [ITI-18] Registry Stored Query [MPI_A-PID]\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate cc_doc_registry loop policy enforcing from remote community cc_doc_registry -> xc_adp: XADR Cross-Community Authorization Decision Request\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate xc_adp cc_doc_registry <- xc_adp: XADR Cross-Community Authorization Decision Response deactivate xc_adp end ps_doc_consumer <- cc_doc_registry: [ITI-18] Registry Stored Query Response deactivate cc_doc_registry loop ps_doc_consumer -> ss_doc_repository: [ITI-43] Retrieve Document Set\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate ss_doc_repository note right ss_doc_repository: [CH:ADR] Perform Enforcement of\nXDS Retrieve Document Set transactions (3.1.12) deactivate cc_doc_registry ps_doc_consumer <- ss_doc_repository: [ITI-43] Retrieve Document Set Response deactivate ss_doc_repository end ps_gui <[#black]- ps_doc_consumer deactivate ps_doc_consumer