@startuml !include design.plantuml.txt title 2.5 EPR_XDS-I/XCA-Is actor hp as "Health Professional" box "Health Professional Portal" #DCBEC7 participant ps_gui as "Health Professional Portal" participant ps_x_service_user as "X-Service User" participant ps_pix_x_ref_consumer as "Patient Identifier \nCross-reference \nConsumer" participant ps_doc_consumer as "Document Consumer\n| X-Service User" participant ps_img_doc_consumer as "Imaging Document Consumer\n| X-Service User" end box box "IdP" #DFF3F7 participant idp_user_authentication_provider as "User \nAuthentication \nProvider" end box box "Community Components" #FFEFDE participant cc_x_assertion_provider as "X-Assertion Provider" participant cc_mpi_x_ref_manager as "Patient Identifier \nCross-reference \nManger" participant cc_hpd_provider_info_consumer as "Provider \nInformation \nConsumer" participant cc_hpd_provider_info_directory as "Provider \nInformation \nDirectory" participant cc_ig as "Initiating Gateway\n| X-Service User" participant cc_img_ig as "Initiating Imaging Gateway\n| X-Service User" end box box "Other Communities" #91D2E8 participant xc_rg as "Responding Gateway\n| X-Service Provider" participant xc_img_rg as "Responding Imaging Gateway\n| X-Service Provider" participant xc_img_docsource as "Imaging Document Source| X-Service Provider\nPolicy Enforcement Point" end box == viewing or downloading dicom images in the health professional portal from another community (XCA-I) == hp -[#black]> ps_gui activate ps_gui !include_many step_ps_gui_saml.plantuml.txt !include step_ps_pix.plantuml.txt !include_many step_ps_xua.plantuml.txt ps_gui -[#black]> ps_doc_consumer: retrieve documents within others communities activate ps_doc_consumer ps_doc_consumer -> cc_ig: [ITI-18] Registry Stored Query for document entries for patient [MPI_A-PID]\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate cc_ig cc_ig -> xc_rg: [ITI-38] Cross Gateway Query [MPI_B-PID, homeCommunityId]\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate xc_rg cc_ig <- xc_rg: [ITI-38] Cross Gateway Response deactivate xc_rg ps_doc_consumer <- cc_ig: [ITI-18] Registry Stored Query Response deactivate cc_ig ps_doc_consumer -> cc_ig: [ITI-43] Retrieve Document Set Request\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate cc_ig cc_ig -> xc_rg: [ITI-39] Cross Gateway Retrieve [homeCommunityId]\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate xc_rg cc_ig <- xc_rg: [ITI-39] Cross Gateway Retrieve Response deactivate xc_rg ps_doc_consumer <- cc_ig: [ITI-43] Retrieve Document Set Response deactivate cc_ig ps_doc_consumer -[#black]> ps_img_doc_consumer activate ps_img_doc_consumer ps_img_doc_consumer -> cc_img_ig: [RAD-69] Retrieve Imaging Document Set\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate cc_img_ig cc_img_ig -> xc_img_rg: [RAD-75] Cross Gateway Retrieve Imaging Document Set\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate xc_img_rg xc_img_rg -> xc_img_docsource: [RAD-69] Retrieve Imaging Document Set\ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate xc_img_docsource note right xc_img_docsource: [CH:ADR] Perform Enforcement of\nXDS-I "Imaging Retrieve" transactions (3.1.13) xc_img_rg <- xc_img_docsource: [RAD-69] Retrieve Imaging Document Set Response deactivate xc_img_docsource cc_img_ig <- xc_img_rg: [RAD-75] Cross Gateway Retrieve Imaging Document Set Response deactivate xc_img_rg ps_img_doc_consumer <- cc_img_ig: [RAD-69] Retrieve Imaging Document Set Response deactivate cc_img_ig ps_doc_consumer <[#black]- ps_img_doc_consumer deactivate ps_img_doc_consumer ps_gui <[#black]- ps_doc_consumer deactivate ps_doc_consumer hp <[#black]- ps_gui deactivate ps_gui @enduml