@startuml !include design.plantuml.txt title EPR 2.3b EPR_PatientStoreDocuments actor patient as "Patient" box "Patient Portal" #B9C0B8 participant pp_gui as "Patient Portal" participant pp_x_service_user as "X-Service User" participant pp_pix_x_ref_consumer as "Patient Identifier \nCross-reference \nConsumer" participant pp_doc_source as "Document Sourcey\n| X-Service User" end box box "IdP" #DFF3F7 participant idp_user_authentication_provider as "User \nAuthentication \nProvider" end box box "Secondary Systems" #F7A69E participant ss_doc_repository as "Document Repository | X-Service Provider" end box box "Community Components" #FFEFDE participant cc_x_assertion_provider as "X-Assertion Provider" participant cc_doc_registry as "Document Registry | X-Service Provider\nAuthorization Decision Consumer | X-Service User" participant cc_mpi_x_ref_manager as "Patient Identifier \nCross-reference \nManger" participant cc_x_assertion_provider as "X-Assertion Provider" participant cc_ppq_policy_repository as "Policy Repository | X-Service Provider\nAuthorization Decision Consumer | X-Service User" participant cc_adp as "Authorization Decision Provider\n| X-Service Provider" end box patient -[#black]> pp_gui: Patient uploads a document to his reference community activate pp_gui !include step_pp_gui_saml.plantuml.txt !include step_pp_pix.plantuml.txt !include step_pp_xua.plantuml.txt pp_gui -[#black]> pp_doc_source : provide and register document in repository grouped with xua activate pp_doc_source pp_doc_source -> ss_doc_repository: [ITI-41] Provide and Register Document Set-b Request [MPI_A-PID] \ngrouped with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate ss_doc_repository ss_doc_repository -> cc_doc_registry: [ITI-42] Register Document Set-b Request [MPI_A-PID] \ngrouped with with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate cc_doc_registry cc_doc_registry -> cc_adp: ADR Authorization Decision Request (policy enforcing home community)\ngrouped with with [ITI-40] Provide X-User Assertion [EPR-SPID] activate cc_adp cc_doc_registry <- cc_adp: ADR Authorization Decision Response deactivate cc_adp ss_doc_repository <- cc_doc_registry: [ITI-42] Register Document Set-b Response deactivate cc_doc_registry pp_doc_source <- ss_doc_repository: [ITI-41] Provide and Register Document Set-b Response deactivate ss_doc_repository pp_gui <[#black]- pp_doc_source deactivate pp_doc_source patient <[#black]- pp_gui deactivate pp_gui @enduml