X-Service User Simulator

X-Service User Simulator usage

The Gazelle X-Service User Simulator can be used to verify Identity Provider implementations by sending them authentication requests.

By default, The simulator is configured to send messages the Gazelle IdP simulator, but it can be used with other IdP.

The Simulator is consumming IdP standard SAML Metadata to configure itself. If you need to use the X-Service User Simulator to challenge your IdP, please contact Cédric (cel at kereval dot com) or Malo (mtc at kereval dot com) to share your metadata.

You will also need to authorize the X-Service User simulator to reach your IdP, here is the published information:

X-Service User entityID
X-Service User metadata

To start a test, request a resource on the X-Service User simulator, this will redirect you to the configured IdP:

Trigger HTML login