Transaction instance details (#114601)


Timestamp: 8/8/22 12:57:50 PM (CEST GMT+0200)

Simulated actor: CPI Provider

Domain: Elektronische Patient Dossier


Initiator: (CPI Consumer)

Responder: HPDSimulator (CPI Provider)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<downloadRequest xmlns="urn:ch:admin:bag:epr:2017" fromDate="2010-01-01T00:00:00.0000001Z" toDate="2022-08-05T04:47:00.0350000Z" requestID="93374ed8-e346-41c9-bfed-0f4d99ef56ec"></downloadRequest>

Validation result (Status: PASSED)

$type Validation Report

Validation Report

General Information
Validation Date
2023, 11 13 - 03:32:53
Validation Service
Validation Test Status

Document bien forméREUSSI

The document you have validated is supposed to be a well-formed document. The validator has checked if it is well-formed, results of this validation are gathered in this section.
The document is well-formed

Résultat de la validation avec le schemaREUSSI

Your document has been validated with the appropriate schema, here is the detail of the validation outcome.
Le document est conforme au schéma
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ns4:downloadResponse xmlns:ns4="urn:ch:admin:bag:epr:2017" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:tc:DSML:2:0:core" xmlns:xsi="" requestID="93374ed8-e346-41c9-bfed-0f4d99ef56ec">  
  <ns2:batchRequest onError="resume"> 
    <ns2:modifyRequest dn="uid=CommunityA,ou=chcommunity,dc=cpi,O=BAG,C=ch" requestID="2022-01-13T11:29:29.8790974Z"> 
      <ns2:modification name="shcCertIssuer" operation="replace"> 
        <ns2:value>Audit und Prüfung Gmbh &amp; Co KG</ns2:value> 
      <ns2:modification name="shcLegal" operation="replace"> 
      <ns2:modification name="shcLanguage" operation="replace"> 
onError resume
Modify request
requestID 2022-01-13T11:29:29.8790974Z
DN uid=CommunityA,ou=chcommunity,dc=cpi,O=BAG,C=ch


Modified attribute operation value(s)
shcCertIssuer replace
  • Audit und Prüfung Gmbh & Co KG
shcLegal replace
  • Cooperative
shcLanguage replace
  • it

Validation result (Status: )

Validation of the response has not been performed yet or is not available